One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thank God I'm not a Dude

So this morning I played Dude. I mowed the front yard and decided to try to conquer the weedeater once again *refer to previous blog* and I'm so proud! I did it for like...30 seconds. One whole side of our fence is somewhat better looking. I consider that a huge accomplishment, then I had to stop and check on the kids, as they went missing, (They ended up inside raiding the Goldfish crackers) then I went back out and the stupid thing wouldn't start again, so I gave up. Not worth it. I will just hire someone to come do it.
I, then, got on some sort of tangent and decide to trim all our bushes and our tree in the front yard. While doing that I got annoyed with our 1/2 broken trelles and decided to take that down, along with the pretty pink flower vine thing that grows on it, while it is pretty, it attracts bees and I can't really have bees dive bombing my front porch. So there I was, one foot on a chair, one foot on the porch railing in a very unlady like position unscrewing the last screw *I really shoulda just got a ladder* and Mr. Bee decides to come buzzin around and I start to whig out. Ya know how if you holler at a dog it'll go away........That doesn't work with a bee, it went something like this "AH..go away..WAAHOO *I almost fell there* AH GOOO away!! WAAHOOO *Almost fell again*"...but I successfully took that down and drug it to the curb.
All that was left was the back yard. yaaa about 1/2 of that got done before it just got too hot and I whimped out. lol

Now, people may think strangers and such dont bother me bc of my 2 big dogs...ya, no..they don't bother me bc they see me doing such things as I did above and they think I'm CRAZY! lol

But, if anyone wants a laugh just bring a lawn chair and park it across the street with a cold drink and watch me do yard work. Me trying to move a 7ft tall trelles was quite humerous. Just imagine........I dare ya. :-)

Thank God I'm not a dude! and honey, I'm sorry I fell so in love with such a big yard. Arizona with rock yards are looking really good at the moment!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I'm just picking all of this and I'm laughing my ass off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOO FUNNY!!!