One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, July 15, 2016

IGA Deficient

We've had a fairly significant change in Wesley so I thought it best to update via blog..

Wesley had some blood work done last week and we got a call earlier in the week that he has an IGA deficiency.    IGA deficiency is a genetic immunodeficiency where he lacks immunoglobulin A, which is a type of antibody that protects against infection of the mucous membrane lining of the mouth, eyes, ears, airways, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

The body has a number of different groups of antibodies..when someone is lacking in more than one of those groups they are considered Immunocompromised .

On one front this answers SO many questions as to why he was one big constant ear infection for the first year of his life.  We'd get stronger and stronger antibiotics and it would fix it for maybe a week, then we'd start all over again.  It's explains why when he gets an Asthma attack it takes forever to get him over it.  It explains why when he's sick it takes so long for him to feel better.    

If you think about illnesses that affect the mouth, eyes, ears, respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract we're talking about nearly -every- childhood illness.   Flu, colds, stomach bugs, pink eye, runny nose, etc.

Basically he lacks the antibodies to fight  these illnesses easily. They hit him longer and harder.   I've always said sicknesses hit him harder but never really knew WHY until now.   At age 4 Wesley is a fairly healthy child...I contribute a lot of that to our diet.. we try to limit processed foods, we eat -lots- of veggies and fruits, we use hand sanitizer and wash our hands often; but when he does get sick.. it's a fight.

On another front I am extremely worried.. How will this affect him once he's in school full time, around everyone's germs for 8 hours a day?  How will this affect him as he ages?  Will this affect any of the future surgeries he is to have?

At this point we don't know much about how this will affect him.  We have an appointment with an immunologist in about a week and have an appt with a gastroenterologist in August.

This was probably the 2nd biggest blow to us as parents..first being when we found out he had a cleft lip and palate.  I never ever imagined anything was wrong at such a genetic level.   Since this is a genetic thing is it somehow related to his clefts? Or is this just two random happenings.  My gut says no.

I hope to get answers to all these questions when we start seeing specialists.