One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, May 11, 2012

Not Pregnant Anymore!

Guess what boys and girls...I'm not pregnant anymore!! I was at the point where I was really starting to  believe I would be, I also had convinced myself that my body just couldn't go into labor on its own, considering I had been induced twice before.

I woke up May 8th  having some painful contractions but once I got up and around they stopped so I continued on in my life thinking it was another day of false labor and I refused to even get my hopes up.  I was grumpy, huge, and exausted.  I did my daily thing and just wasn't feeling any of it. I was just plain exausted. Around noon I noticed I was cramping fairly bad but refused to belive that it might be something.   Noon was also when a storm front started moving in.   I decided just for giggles to see whether I could time them...sure enough I could.. 10 mins apart.  Still didn't believe anything was for real because my body had betrayed me before like this.  I text hubs who was supposed to be on his way home for lunch and told him I was having contractions 10 mins apart but don't get excited.   By the time he got home at 12:45 they were 5 mins. apart. ............ I was still in denial but Hubs got the okay to stay home the rest of the afternoon to "watch me" so I wasnt complaining.

From noon to 2pm they went from 10 mins apart to 2 mins apart.  yaaaaaaaaaaa I still didn't think I was in labor.. Despite the fact that every time I stood up I got hit with a huge contraction.  Around 2:30 after having one so bad I had tears in my eyes I decided we needed to go to the hospital.  It'd be more embarassing to give birth on the highway than to get sent away from L&D again.  So off we went, me having contractions every 2-3 minutes, to the hospital 30 minutes away.

We get there and the nurse asks me "so you think this is the real deal"  I think she was feeling me out because it was really busy thanks to that nice storm front that had moved in. I told her either this was it or something was seriously wrong with me.   We get back in the room and wadda ya know.. I'm 5cm.. I got to stay!!!   Still thinking I was in for the long haul, I get all settled in my room and was joking with the nurses and was in a great mood..despite the contractions..and my pain wasn't even that bad. I'm telling you, there is a HUGE difference between Pitocin contractions and regular contractions. 

By the time I got all the admin. stuff done and hooked up to an IV and all that jazz it was near 4. They monitor me and tell me they are going to break my water soon.  I told them no because if they did that then the baby would come really soon because I deliver fast after my  water is broken... They told me that was the point. ... Who knew.. ha

So around 5 they break my water and around 5:15 I'm begging for drugs, I was done playin around. I don't do epidurals. I don't do needles in my back. Sorry.  So they gave me this crap medicine that made me feel like I had taken 50 shots of Tequila and did absolutely nothing for the pain. Just made me high as ..well.. you know what.  I was mumbling about meatloaf and asking if I could take some of those drugs home (You can't, btw)  

And then it happened.........10 mins later I looked at eyes got huge and said "this baby is coming..NOW!" Luckily the nurse was already in there and she checked me and goes "Okay then..let's have a baby".. and starts putting on gloves to deliver me and hollering for a doctor...... The baby was kinda crowning.  Which is how all my babies have been born..despite the last 2 times with the stupid Pitocin.  Takes me forever to get to 6cm but once I get to 6 I progress very rapidly and the baby is born within 15 minutes usually.

 I pushed 5 times and at 6:04pm my little man was born!  7lbs 8oz and 19 inches long.   No epidural.. and only that stupid crap medicine that did nothing besides make me so high I was feelin up the nurses boob while pushing (Not on purpose)  It was the worst pain of my life. Of.. MY..LIFE. 

Wesley was born with a cleft palate and cleft lip which was a huge surprise. None of our ultrasounds and testing had shown anything wrong. Other than that he is a beautiful, healthy boy.  He loves to cuddle and is a great sleeper.  We are having some issues with feeding as one would expect but we are in contact with some great therapists and plastic surgeons and he will be getting the best care.  

He's amazing! I'm so in love. His unique face was a shock, yes. But, I am in no way ashamed of him and in no way disapointed by him.  He's beautiful.  God gave him to us for a reason.  He's happy, healthy and there are surgeries and therapies to help him. It could be so so much worse and I know for many people it is. We are way beyond blessed.  I feel really really well. Better than any of my other labors.

I had amazing midwives, amazing nurses, and amazing baby nursese who helped us all they could and advocated for us and made our stay amazing.   I'm in the process now of trying to get used to 3 kids and healing. Along with trying to keep all of lil man's appointments straight.  It's crazy busy and hectic lately.  Besides the normal newborn busyness he has special formula and bottles and feedings take awhile.   We're busy looking into insurances and special funding and programs to get him the help he needs.

So there you have it... You will NOT be pregnant forever.. I'm living proof.

Well, it's time for lil man's 10pm feeding and then I'm hoping I can crash.


Anonymous said...

<3 what a lucky lil'man to have a strong Mom fighting for him!!! They gave me some real "loppy" drug when I was in labor- thought I was in Romper Room-Thought my Mother-in-law was the teacher and no body was "BEE-ing" nice and I keep telling everone to "Do-Bee" good. Congradulations on your newest member of you famly!!!

My Life as an Army Wife said...

lol They are really good at giving those loopy drugs!!
Thank you for the congrats!!!