One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Burrito Watch 2012"

I'm pregnant... Still.  I'm huge.. Still.  I'm more pregnant than I've ever been in my life.. 39wks 3 days to be technically I haven't hit my due date but still... I'm huge, uncomfortable, not get the jist.  Boy is doing good and is happy in there.. too happy if you ask me. I've started thinking maybe there isn't really a baby in there to begin with..Maybe it's just a burrito I forgot to digest.   I just get this mommy feeling that he's happy and cuddly and loving being in mommy...Which wasn't in my plan.  Couldn't we accomplish that after he's born?!  

I've promised him a Mustang, a horse, and baseball cleats. His dad has had a stern talking with him.. nada. All my friends swear he's coming out soon...I don't know about that.  My next doctor appointment is 3 days after my due date... Hubs swears I won't have to go to it........... I think I will..because, you know, it's a burrito in there.   I can tell my body is very close to ready, I just feel like I need something to push it over the edge, I guess.  The Dr says my body is making progress, ect, blah blah blah. And I can feel that progress..Nice contractions that get me thinking something is happening and then stop.

I've been drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea like it's nobody's business. I've eaten enough pineapple to make my mouth raw. 

I'm thinking about getting a  baggy and putting oregano in it and having hubs shake it in front of my stomach and do an Indian dance. 

I'm also counting on the Super Moon this weekend. Full moon is in a couple days and then Super Moon is Saturday.. That's gotta do something.  I have more faith in the Super Moon than the Oregano though.  I read one story where a woman went outside during the Super Moon and she rubbed her very pregnant stomach clockwise, facing the Super Moon, and her water broke.......... I'm thinking about giving it a go.

I've walked..and walked.. I've done stairs...

My mom is here on "Baby Watch 2012" ........... I hate to have to tell her that there IS no baby and that it's really "Burrito Watch 2012"

Maybe there will be no big build up.. 30 mins apart, 20 mins apart..ect.. Maybe it'll just be like, wake up at 2am and "WOWZA, 5 mins apart, we gotta GOOO"........ That's what I'm hoping for at least.

I'll be honest..I really have no faith that my body can have this baby alone. I was induced with both girls for medical reasons, so I've never seen my body do this before.

I now realize why people get so cranky when other people have their babies before them.  I've heard stories of THREE people having their babies before me, who were due either after me or same time as me.  I even saw the "skinny but pregnant bus stop lady" having contractions at the bus stop this morning and then wasn't there to pick up her son this afternoon... I swear, if she had her kid today......... I'm gonna have to start unfriending people on Facebook... Just kidding.. Kinda.

Anyone wanna start taking bets on when Mr. Man will show his face?   I'll start the bets at $10 that he's NEVER coming out and it's really a burrito.

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