One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, July 16, 2010

What a week!

Where did this week go?? It just flew by. It was a crazy, crazy week. I had appts, errands, ect ect everyday and not one of those appts or errands went smoothly. (Don't ya hate it when that happens?) It seemed like each project took 3 times longer than it should have. For example, the act of canceling a cell phone line took 3 days and 5 different stops and 3 seperate calls just to accomplish it. It was just one of those weeks. And with 2 kids who need naps and cause every errand to take twice as long, I didn't get much accomplshed. Found that yesterday we had very little water pressure and after 3 calls and talking to numerous different people I finally got someone from the city to come out and look to make sure everything was okay and right as he got here whatever the problem was, righted itself...yaaa those weeks. :-) And don't even get my kids attitudes this week. On the upside the exercising is going fabulous and I've done so good all week.
So its finally Friday and all that I have to do today is make a quick trip to the grocery store to get a few items then I plan to spend the rest of the day getting my house in somewhat of an order. It's been neglected horribly this week and needs some TLC.
Have a fabulous Friday ya'll!

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