One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is a civilian?

In about 2 years it will be our time to say 'byebye' Army. The Army has been good to us. It gave us a great start in life, helped BD and I prepare ourselves for the 'real world', I've met -wonderful- life long friends I will cherish forever, the Army allowed us to opportunity to buy our own home but it's our time to step out by ourselves and be civilians.
Already I'm wondering what's it like to be a civilian. What will it be like to have my husband home all the time, day in day out, everyday. It sounds funny, but I'm so stumped as to what that's like. If you include the time BD and I dated we've been physically together I'm pretty sure it's less than 3 years and we'll have been a couple for 6 years this August. We do apart very well, we are excellent communicators via email/messenger/letters. What will it be like to be physically together everyday? If you wanna be honest, it seems weird to me that 'normal' couples spend everyday together, for years at a time. lol BD and I joke that by the time we are really starting to irritate each other the Army sends him away and we have that time away from each other to get back into that Honeymoon phase again.
Another aspect of civilian life that scares me is that I may not always know where our next paycheck is going to come from, as with the Army, you do. That's a big thing for me. I need to feel secure, financially. I grew up always knowing there'd be food on the table and money to buy what I needed and I always felt secure in that aspect. My loving husband knows this and understands this about me. We've had long talks about this subject, especially in this economy. I know that he will do any and everything in his power to make it so that I always feel secure in that aspect. That means the -world- to me. He has a solid plan for when he gets out and honestly, that woos me just about as much as a 4Ct diamond ring would. haha I have told him though that I will gladly give up my 3 bedroom house with a den and a large yard and live in a small 2 bedroom apartment just to have him with us. I'll give up the new cars and clothes *we'll have to further discuss the purse collection issues* :-)
The deployments every year are too much for both of us. He wants to be with his family and we want him home with us. I don't believe a word of the whole "deployments will slow down" bit, sorry, I don't. Maybe I'm jaded. I dont know.
We're excited. We get to choose where we want to live, we get to choose what to do with our lives.
The Army will always be a part of me. Deep down I will always be that Proud Army Wife. But its time for us to be 2 years. :-D


saramedic said...

It is weird being out, so weird we are thinking about getting back in. You know how to reach me if you want to talk about it. :)

Stacee Hord said...

That's wonderful! You are a woman that really deserves to have your husband there for you, all the time, especially with two little girls. I am so proud of you two that you're taking that leap away from the Army. I'm sure it's scary to take a risk, but most great things in life don't happen until you risk. What does Josh want to do?

My Life as an Army Wife said...

Police. So we could go's just deciding where :-)
ya, scary and kinda sad, it's been an amazing time, a lot of good, some bad, it's going to be sad to leave our military life behind. I love it dearly, but at the same time we both love our family and each other and hate being apart.