One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Thursday, July 22, 2010

101 facts about me

A couple blogs that I frequent did this so I'm gonna give it a go, let's see if I can come up with 101...I'm pretty boring. :-)

1. my biggest pet peeve is walking barefoot on the floor and feeling something under my feet, whether it be dirt, food, toy, whatever..drives me up a WALL

2. I hate sweet potatoes...Have ever since I was a baby

3. I HATE getting woken up at night

4. I'm not a dog person

5. I want to open my own bakery one day

6. Even though before I had kids I wanted a boy and a girl, I am BEYOND thrilled that I got 2 girls. I can't imagine anything better!

7. I don't like being outside

8. My first job was at a deli and I LOVED that job. I could have worked there the rest of my life. It was so much fun

9. I want to have twins

10. I love having things neat and orderly, I just don't have the energy sometimes to always keep it like that.

11. I wanted to be an accountant when I grew up, I'd still like the job

12. I need quiet, noise and chaos makes me cringe.

13. I can be a TV addict

14. I could live alone in a quiet place happily for the rest of my life

15. My first car was an 86 Honda Accord...I loved that car

16. I've had our future sons' first name picked out since I was 15 and his middle name since I met BD

17. I want more tattoos

18. I can't wait until our ETS date

19. I hate giving the girls a bath, That was BD's job and it irriates me to do it now that he's gone

20. I love decorating

21. One more baby for us then we are done!

22. I want to adopt

all for now! more later :-)

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