One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Kudos to those single moms out there! I give you all major props. It takes a lot of work, sacrifice, devotion, courage, and love to be a single mom. I am temporarily a single mom at the moment and I absolutely cannot imagine doing it forever.
You have to be mother and father and its exausting. The responsibility falls on your shoulders alone, bills, house, car, yard, kids, and everything in between.
It's overwhelming and exausting. You don't have the luxury of saying "hon, could you get up with the baby this time" when its 2am and you were up for 17hrs with a teething baby and a sick toddler. It all falls on your shoulders. The discipline, the money, the kids, the house, if anything negative happens it falls on you. It's all your fault. It's enough to keep someone up at night!
There are those times when you feel like if you have to discipline one more child you will crack, but you suck it up and you do it bc that's what a parent does.
You have nobody to run your ideas past, another point of view.
There are times when you are so tired, so fed up, so exausted, so overwhelmed that when you're child acts up or disobeys you just really -dont- care.
I know theres been times, personally, where my kids have acted up, and I've sat there and shrugged my shoulders and said "oh well'' because I couldn't deal with it. I was too tired and overwhelmed or whatever and you think "In the long run, whats it -really- matter that she took her sisters cookie, one time won't make a huge difference"
Theres times when you want a hug. You want to feel arms around you, and theres nobody around. Heck, it could be the checkout boy at Walmart for all you care. Just to know someone cares.

So, To those single moms out there, God bless you! You amaze me! Thank you for not giving up on your kids. I know right now it may seem like your kids don't care and dont appreciate you but they do, and one day in the future they will come up to you and thank you and will understand and be thankful for the sacrifices you made.

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