One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Motherhood. So Complicated. Most mothers know that at times motherhood can be a very thankless job. You cook, only to have the kids not like it. You clean, only to have someone mess it up right after you finish. You do the dishes, just to hear "mooomm, I'm hungry" You labor with a child, feed the child, sacrificing your body, and they say "I hate you" Granted, you know they don't mean it but it still stings a bit and every mom knows this.

Motherhood is hard. Very hard. It's not fun at all times and it's definatly not easy most of the time. It's not always glowey, look at my precious child. Motherhood is way harder than I ever thought it would be. Being a mom makes you appreciate your own mom and the sacrifces she made. Staying up all night with a sick child, sacrifcing your wants because your child needs new shoes. Being dead tired and having to wake up at 6am and prepare breakfast, baths, and break up fights only to have to stay up until 3am that same day because the other child is sick.

You watch your child make mistakes and for their own good you let them. You stand back and let them make those mistakes because that's the only way they will learn and it breaks your heart and you weep because it's not fair. You want to protect them, from the stove, from friends, from bullies, from cars, from sickness, and that isn't always possible. It isn't always the best thing to do. At times you have to let your child grow and learn from the choices they make. You have to stand there and silently let them make their choices and pray that it works out. It breaks a moms heart into millions of pieces to do that but that's what you have to do at times.

I don't know that you can truly appreciate your mom until you are one. It doesn't get easier as they get older. Emotionally, it gets hard. Sure, the sleep may be most consistant but even though you can sleep, at nights you lay awake worrying about them.

No matter what, though, you always, always, ALWAYS love them. Love does not change. Most moms try their hardest to be the best moms they can and do the best for their kids, even if their kids don't see it that way.

Everything they do, they do in love, just wanting the best for their babies.

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