One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday's 10

1. We've started working on our taxes..Normally I love taxes but because of our rental this year the whole process gives me heartburn. Really hoping having a rental won't affect us much :P

2. I'm 25wks. I'm tired, out of breath, always hungry, and the only comfortable position is laying in bed. Should I not still be all glowy?

3. Im also down to only 2 pairs of comfortable pants..neither of those are presentable material (ie: jeans, dress pants..normal clothes)

4. The girls haven't missed one sticker on the Clean Plate Club. Chores, however, are another story.

5. Anyone know of any nice 2nd Hand Baby shops in the El paso area?

6. I'm thinking meatloaf for dinner..........

7. Another busy week

8. there's way too much whining in this house

9. Got another sneak peek of our little man. Hubs was all excited because it looked like he was flexing and would be a hulk. I informed him that lil man can be whatever hulk he wants to be, after he comes out. I have a 7lb weight limit.

10. Those of you praying for a nice, sturdy, BIG boy can REALLY stop. He can come out small and then grow to whatever size he pleases. We already have 'big man' genes on both sides of the family...I don't need prayers about that too!

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