One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Out of the mouth of my babe

Big girl comes up to me today, takes my hand, looks deep into my eyes and says

"Mom, Here soon I'm gonna marry daddy and get a princess ring like you"

"Well, hon, if you marry dad who am I going to be married to?"

"You can just marry another boy, You'll find one. Daddy and I will have our princess wedding with cupcakes that have rings on top"

"But sweetie, what about mommy?"

"You can come to the princess wedding too, with your new hubsand" (yes..Hubsand)

"Does daddy know you are marrying him?"

"Not yet. But he will"


Then I was cooking dinner and she came up to me and asked me what we were having for dinner. I tell her and she walks off, then comes back with her little coin purse and hands me all the money in it. Which equals .72 and says "Here is my monies so I can eat dinner" I ask her what dinner because her daddy always says when she asks if we can go out to eat "Do you have money for that? So I was trying to figure out if she was trying to weasle her way into eating out and she says "For the dinner your cooking"

I tell her she doesn't have to pay mommy for cooking dinner and I love her so thats why I cook for her and she goes "Nope. Here. Take it. I have to pay for my dinner" So, to make her happy, I took her .72 and will put it back in her coin purse later. She comes back to me a few minutes later and says "I need a ticket now" "For what" I ask. "So that I know that I paid"

(MAN, that child is SO like me!!! I believe I've had the same conversation with my parents.)

1 comment:

Bridget said...

So funny:) I always ask my boys if they've got any money when they ask for things and they pay with a kiss;)