One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday's 10

1. I had a day full of preggo rage yesterday. I ripped the curtain rod and curtains off the window yesterday. It was a really cheap curtain rod beacuse that's the only kind the window would hold, bc the apartment sucks, and it was breaking and it made me mad. I don't have curtains now.

2. I also ruined the miniblinds yesterday too..on accident. I was closing the window and a few of the little slatty things got stuck and ripped because the mini blinds are cheap as crap..because the apartment sucks. After living 1/2 a day with zero outside light coming into the apartment I just now crazy glued them and fixed them.. I'm pretty sure it'll work. I can't live without sunlight. I just can't. Yes it's ghetto but it's all I can do to fix it at the moment.

3. It was either do that or end up ripping those down too.

4. We have mysterious spots showing up on our carpet. It's brown carpet but in our bedroom they are random spots as if someone has splattered bleach onto the carpet and they just show up, randomly. No bleach or ANY chemical has come into contact with those spots since I've been here. Pleaes, someone tell me I'm not crazy! They are seriously randomly appearing.

5. I sound like a crazy preggo chick but I swear it's all true

6. Big Girls Parent Teacher confrences were today. I'm so proud of her. She is doing wonderfully but needs to work on not losing her focus and going off into her own world.

7. I Love Nicholas Sparks. Amazing writer.

8. I really detest Apartment living.

9. I have no clue what to do for dinner tonight. I'm really not in the mood.

10. 10 days until Santa Fe!! I ..can't.. WAIT! Plus the money just came through so that we can totally go and not have to worry about anything..AND leave was approved! Oh HAPPY DAY!

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