One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tuesday's 10

1. I love peanut M&Ms..They are by far the best M&Ms ever.

2. The new pretzle M&Ms are pretty darn awesome too!

3. Every night for the past 4 nights I've gotten horrible headaches. Today it started at 1 in the afternoon and finally let up around 4 and now at 7 it's starting again..ughh..It's gotta be some weird pregnancy thing

4. or maybe Im starting to get sick..I dunno

5. Today was big girls first school picture day! She looked beautiful and I can't wait to get her pics!!

6. I really really miss living in a house

7. I'm meeting my parents in Santa Fe in less than a month for a long weekend right around my birthday. I'm SO excited! I told J if he could take off those 4 days that can be considered my birthday present. I..can't..wait! Mini vaca, vacation house, really good food...I'm stoked

8. I am SO PROUD of big girl! She is growing up so much and learning so much and becoming such a big girl. I just want to cry and hug her close and not let her get any bigger.

9. Lil miss on the other hand has hit some terrible 3 sorta syndrome

10. I'm in the middle of a really good John Grisham book...I also have 2 more really really good books waiting on me.. I'm a bit stressed by it. Between daily life, pregnancy, kids, husband, ect it's really hard to find time to read and if I do read -something- goes undone. I'm stressed.

and a bonus..because I love you all:

11. We're going to White Sands this weekend. I'm excited! I haven't been there since I was little. The mounds upon mounds of bright white sand is just beautiful!

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