So this morning I played Dude. I mowed the front yard and decided to try to conquer the weedeater once again *refer to previous blog* and I'm so proud! I did it for like...30 seconds. One whole side of our fence is somewhat better looking. I consider that a huge accomplishment, then I had to stop and check on the kids, as they went missing, (They ended up inside raiding the Goldfish crackers) then I went back out and the stupid thing wouldn't start again, so I gave up. Not worth it. I will just hire someone to come do it.
I, then, got on some sort of tangent and decide to trim all our bushes and our tree in the front yard. While doing that I got annoyed with our 1/2 broken trelles and decided to take that down, along with the pretty pink flower vine thing that grows on it, while it is pretty, it attracts bees and I can't really have bees dive bombing my front porch. So there I was, one foot on a chair, one foot on the porch railing in a very unlady like position unscrewing the last screw *I really shoulda just got a ladder* and Mr. Bee decides to come buzzin around and I start to whig out. Ya know how if you holler at a dog it'll go away........That doesn't work with a bee, it went something like this "AH..go away..WAAHOO *I almost fell there* AH GOOO away!! WAAHOOO *Almost fell again*"...but I successfully took that down and drug it to the curb.
All that was left was the back yard. yaaa about 1/2 of that got done before it just got too hot and I whimped out. lol
Now, people may think strangers and such dont bother me bc of my 2 big dogs...ya, no..they don't bother me bc they see me doing such things as I did above and they think I'm CRAZY! lol
But, if anyone wants a laugh just bring a lawn chair and park it across the street with a cold drink and watch me do yard work. Me trying to move a 7ft tall trelles was quite humerous. Just imagine........I dare ya. :-)
Thank God I'm not a dude! and honey, I'm sorry I fell so in love with such a big yard. Arizona with rock yards are looking really good at the moment!
One stay at home moms journey to find herself again
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Who doesn't love a new recipe?
So, who doesn't love some new recipes. I thought I'd share a few of my go-to recipes.
Mushroom chicken: This is my 1st go to..its SUPER easy and yummy! I've even made it for company.
1 can cream of mushroom soup
4 chicken breasts *i adjust the amount of chicken and soup to how many people I have, for the 4 of us, i usually do 4-5 chicken breasts and 2 cans of soup, but I like it with lots of 'gravy'*
Cut up the chicken and put in skillet, dump soup on top *yup, straight from the can* and let cook until chicken is done, about 20-30 minutes. stirring occasionally I serve this with rice or pasta and a veggie.
I've also made this with Cream of chicken soup and Cheddar cheese soup *condensed* and both were also really good!
Ive done this with pork, chicken or a roast.
Put meat in crockpot and I add approx 1-2 cups of broth *chicken, beef, veggie, doesnt really matter* Let cook all day on Low (8hrs) Take meat out and let rest 15 mins or so, then shred with a fork, put back in crockpot and dump BBQ sauce on top, stir, let cook another lil bit *until you feel its good*
Serve on buns. I also have cheese, onion, pickles, tomatoes to put on top
It really is a GOOD bbq sandwich!
This is my newest Go-to...Thanks to Miss April!
Redbeans and Rice
Fry 3 slices of bacon-crispy, saute onion and garlic in the same pan with a bit of the drippings. Add chopped smoked sausage *If you want it* into same pan, I also added the chopped up bacon, 1 can of tomatoes *I used diced*, 1 can redbeans, 1 can cannellini beans, salt, pepper, oregano, chili powder, and a little lime juice (I used 2 fresh key limes and it was perfect). Let simmer for 20 mins while rice is cooking.
Serve beans over top of rice or mix together, however you like it.
ok, sure, it isnt original, but, it was really really good. And I only had a skillet, cutting board, knife and rice pan to wash. And I was able to cook it while I had a toddler screaming at my leg...thats a winner in my book
Mushroom porkchops
However many porkchops ya want *boneless, with the bone, doesnt matter*
a Lg can cream of mushroom soup *ya, I use it a lot*
stick porkchops in a baking dish, dump on the soup, sometimes if i wanna get snazzy I add mushrooms on top too, then just bake 350 until porkchops are done. around 30 mins for thinner chops.
Lots of times I'll put seasonings on the porkchops before i add the soup. salt, pepper, garlic, adobo, whatever I can find and sounds good.
I always serve these with sticky rice. mmmmmm
Fried Rice
now, this does take awhile to cook, but, it's a pretty good fried rice.
Big container of leftover *chilled overnight* cooked rice *probably 4-5 cups*
sometimes Ill scramble an egg
Frozen mixed veggies
whatever kind of veggie you can find in your fridge, toss it in. Chop up all veggies into small pieces. If im trying to save time I will cut everything up during the kids naptime then once dinner time comes I just have to dump it all in
Heat oil (you'll want quite a bit) in wok or lg. skillet *I use a lg wok* until really hot. Dump in your rice and all the veggies, ect. I put in some teriyake sauce and soy sauce *i just glug until it feels right...probably 2-3 Tbs of each. minced garlic, pepper, whatever else strikes my fancy.
Then just cook it, stirring often, until it looks like a fried rice 'color' I usually let it cook a good 30 minutes, stirring a lot or else it sticks.
Also made this for company and I dont think I've ever had much or any leftovers
Mushroom chicken: This is my 1st go to..its SUPER easy and yummy! I've even made it for company.
1 can cream of mushroom soup
4 chicken breasts *i adjust the amount of chicken and soup to how many people I have, for the 4 of us, i usually do 4-5 chicken breasts and 2 cans of soup, but I like it with lots of 'gravy'*
Cut up the chicken and put in skillet, dump soup on top *yup, straight from the can* and let cook until chicken is done, about 20-30 minutes. stirring occasionally I serve this with rice or pasta and a veggie.
I've also made this with Cream of chicken soup and Cheddar cheese soup *condensed* and both were also really good!
Ive done this with pork, chicken or a roast.
Put meat in crockpot and I add approx 1-2 cups of broth *chicken, beef, veggie, doesnt really matter* Let cook all day on Low (8hrs) Take meat out and let rest 15 mins or so, then shred with a fork, put back in crockpot and dump BBQ sauce on top, stir, let cook another lil bit *until you feel its good*
Serve on buns. I also have cheese, onion, pickles, tomatoes to put on top
It really is a GOOD bbq sandwich!
This is my newest Go-to...Thanks to Miss April!
Redbeans and Rice
Fry 3 slices of bacon-crispy, saute onion and garlic in the same pan with a bit of the drippings. Add chopped smoked sausage *If you want it* into same pan, I also added the chopped up bacon, 1 can of tomatoes *I used diced*, 1 can redbeans, 1 can cannellini beans, salt, pepper, oregano, chili powder, and a little lime juice (I used 2 fresh key limes and it was perfect). Let simmer for 20 mins while rice is cooking.
Serve beans over top of rice or mix together, however you like it.
ok, sure, it isnt original, but, it was really really good. And I only had a skillet, cutting board, knife and rice pan to wash. And I was able to cook it while I had a toddler screaming at my leg...thats a winner in my book
Mushroom porkchops
However many porkchops ya want *boneless, with the bone, doesnt matter*
a Lg can cream of mushroom soup *ya, I use it a lot*
stick porkchops in a baking dish, dump on the soup, sometimes if i wanna get snazzy I add mushrooms on top too, then just bake 350 until porkchops are done. around 30 mins for thinner chops.
Lots of times I'll put seasonings on the porkchops before i add the soup. salt, pepper, garlic, adobo, whatever I can find and sounds good.
I always serve these with sticky rice. mmmmmm
Fried Rice
now, this does take awhile to cook, but, it's a pretty good fried rice.
Big container of leftover *chilled overnight* cooked rice *probably 4-5 cups*
sometimes Ill scramble an egg
Frozen mixed veggies
whatever kind of veggie you can find in your fridge, toss it in. Chop up all veggies into small pieces. If im trying to save time I will cut everything up during the kids naptime then once dinner time comes I just have to dump it all in
Heat oil (you'll want quite a bit) in wok or lg. skillet *I use a lg wok* until really hot. Dump in your rice and all the veggies, ect. I put in some teriyake sauce and soy sauce *i just glug until it feels right...probably 2-3 Tbs of each. minced garlic, pepper, whatever else strikes my fancy.
Then just cook it, stirring often, until it looks like a fried rice 'color' I usually let it cook a good 30 minutes, stirring a lot or else it sticks.
Also made this for company and I dont think I've ever had much or any leftovers
So, I'll be honest, I've lost count already as to how many week in we are, but thats okay because time goes faster if I'm not counting. I have a round about idea but I'm not 100% sure. Time got away from me, things happened and I lost count.
One of the hardest things about being a parent is that you hurt when your kids hurt. It's heart wrenching when your daughter cries everyday for her daddy and theres not a thing I can do about it. It breaks my heart, and it makes me angry because this deployment was not supposed to happen and no, I'm not being bratty and dramatic about how unfair it is and it shouldn't happen. The truth is, it -wasn't- supposed to happen, but someone got all hooah-happy and pushed things up and by doing that caused a heap of stupidity over there not to mention a heap of stupidity here. I can't get into specifics but this is my 3rd deployment and I'm amazed at some of the things I've seen and heard about. It would make your mouth drop.
I believe everything happens for a reason and everything I go through can teach me something, I cannot for the life of me figure out what the reason for this deployment is, except that it's hurting my daughter, it's hurting my husband because he can't be here for his kids and its hurting me. I thank God that lil miss doesn't have too much of an idea yet what is going on bc I don't think I could handle 2 kids crying for their daddy everyday.
Another thing that has started......The rumors...How far into the back of my head can I roll my eyes? lol Specificially, the Big Rumor..When they're going to be home. O........M.......G...dear Lord people we're less than 2 months in *that I do know! ha* Here's a tip for the newbies, Don't get excited if this rumor is a good one, bc I guarentee that next week there will be a rumor that they are staying 5 extra months and you'll get all upset and, let's face it, thats waayyy too much emotional Yes, they are nice to hear, yes, they can be nice to think about but thats as far as I let it go. I start getting a little bit excited when their replacements get there and then you can really get excited when Rear D gives ya that special, wait, nevermind, I don't even trust Rear, I kid, but seriously though last time they called and told me BD would be home the next day and well, they were wrong. BD called soon after and Im smart enough to realize that if he's at Point A, he can't get to Point B in less than 12 hours, unless he's superman. lol Luckily one of BD's friends was on rear and was able to confirm that I was correct in my assumption. Kinda funny looking back, I had 2 or 3 people calling me apologizing, stuttering over themselves, haha, They're just lucky I caught their mistake and didn't show up to that field and he wasnt there.. ooooooooo lol Get excited when he's in your Arms and until then just keep pluggin along, I promise, it doesn't last forever!
One of the hardest things about being a parent is that you hurt when your kids hurt. It's heart wrenching when your daughter cries everyday for her daddy and theres not a thing I can do about it. It breaks my heart, and it makes me angry because this deployment was not supposed to happen and no, I'm not being bratty and dramatic about how unfair it is and it shouldn't happen. The truth is, it -wasn't- supposed to happen, but someone got all hooah-happy and pushed things up and by doing that caused a heap of stupidity over there not to mention a heap of stupidity here. I can't get into specifics but this is my 3rd deployment and I'm amazed at some of the things I've seen and heard about. It would make your mouth drop.
I believe everything happens for a reason and everything I go through can teach me something, I cannot for the life of me figure out what the reason for this deployment is, except that it's hurting my daughter, it's hurting my husband because he can't be here for his kids and its hurting me. I thank God that lil miss doesn't have too much of an idea yet what is going on bc I don't think I could handle 2 kids crying for their daddy everyday.
Another thing that has started......The rumors...How far into the back of my head can I roll my eyes? lol Specificially, the Big Rumor..When they're going to be home. O........M.......G...dear Lord people we're less than 2 months in *that I do know! ha* Here's a tip for the newbies, Don't get excited if this rumor is a good one, bc I guarentee that next week there will be a rumor that they are staying 5 extra months and you'll get all upset and, let's face it, thats waayyy too much emotional Yes, they are nice to hear, yes, they can be nice to think about but thats as far as I let it go. I start getting a little bit excited when their replacements get there and then you can really get excited when Rear D gives ya that special, wait, nevermind, I don't even trust Rear, I kid, but seriously though last time they called and told me BD would be home the next day and well, they were wrong. BD called soon after and Im smart enough to realize that if he's at Point A, he can't get to Point B in less than 12 hours, unless he's superman. lol Luckily one of BD's friends was on rear and was able to confirm that I was correct in my assumption. Kinda funny looking back, I had 2 or 3 people calling me apologizing, stuttering over themselves, haha, They're just lucky I caught their mistake and didn't show up to that field and he wasnt there.. ooooooooo lol Get excited when he's in your Arms and until then just keep pluggin along, I promise, it doesn't last forever!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Kudos to those single moms out there! I give you all major props. It takes a lot of work, sacrifice, devotion, courage, and love to be a single mom. I am temporarily a single mom at the moment and I absolutely cannot imagine doing it forever.
You have to be mother and father and its exausting. The responsibility falls on your shoulders alone, bills, house, car, yard, kids, and everything in between.
It's overwhelming and exausting. You don't have the luxury of saying "hon, could you get up with the baby this time" when its 2am and you were up for 17hrs with a teething baby and a sick toddler. It all falls on your shoulders. The discipline, the money, the kids, the house, if anything negative happens it falls on you. It's all your fault. It's enough to keep someone up at night!
There are those times when you feel like if you have to discipline one more child you will crack, but you suck it up and you do it bc that's what a parent does.
You have nobody to run your ideas past, another point of view.
There are times when you are so tired, so fed up, so exausted, so overwhelmed that when you're child acts up or disobeys you just really -dont- care.
I know theres been times, personally, where my kids have acted up, and I've sat there and shrugged my shoulders and said "oh well'' because I couldn't deal with it. I was too tired and overwhelmed or whatever and you think "In the long run, whats it -really- matter that she took her sisters cookie, one time won't make a huge difference"
Theres times when you want a hug. You want to feel arms around you, and theres nobody around. Heck, it could be the checkout boy at Walmart for all you care. Just to know someone cares.
So, To those single moms out there, God bless you! You amaze me! Thank you for not giving up on your kids. I know right now it may seem like your kids don't care and dont appreciate you but they do, and one day in the future they will come up to you and thank you and will understand and be thankful for the sacrifices you made.
You have to be mother and father and its exausting. The responsibility falls on your shoulders alone, bills, house, car, yard, kids, and everything in between.
It's overwhelming and exausting. You don't have the luxury of saying "hon, could you get up with the baby this time" when its 2am and you were up for 17hrs with a teething baby and a sick toddler. It all falls on your shoulders. The discipline, the money, the kids, the house, if anything negative happens it falls on you. It's all your fault. It's enough to keep someone up at night!
There are those times when you feel like if you have to discipline one more child you will crack, but you suck it up and you do it bc that's what a parent does.
You have nobody to run your ideas past, another point of view.
There are times when you are so tired, so fed up, so exausted, so overwhelmed that when you're child acts up or disobeys you just really -dont- care.
I know theres been times, personally, where my kids have acted up, and I've sat there and shrugged my shoulders and said "oh well'' because I couldn't deal with it. I was too tired and overwhelmed or whatever and you think "In the long run, whats it -really- matter that she took her sisters cookie, one time won't make a huge difference"
Theres times when you want a hug. You want to feel arms around you, and theres nobody around. Heck, it could be the checkout boy at Walmart for all you care. Just to know someone cares.
So, To those single moms out there, God bless you! You amaze me! Thank you for not giving up on your kids. I know right now it may seem like your kids don't care and dont appreciate you but they do, and one day in the future they will come up to you and thank you and will understand and be thankful for the sacrifices you made.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
101 about me (part three)
36. I can, and will, dip just about anything in gravy... I love gravy!
37. I love the smell of bleach
38. I love getting tats..I have 2 already and am starting to get the itch for more. My husband created a monster
39. I love purses. Purses are my crack.
40. I always wanted a sister
41. I always hung out with dudes and rarely had any girl friends. It's okay, dudes have less drama anyways
42. I've very opinionated
43. I think I'm a horrible dancer but my husband says I'm great. I don't know which one of us is right
44. If I had a career, outside of the house, I would definatly be a workaholic
45. I hate going to the dr. not because I'm scared but because I'm to stubborn and if I do go to the dr you know something is -really- wrong
46. Before I met my husband I was not looking for love, even after I met him I had no plan to ever date him but was just content to be friends.
47. my dream before I met my husband was to be a CEO of some high powered company, be single, work 80 hour weeks then come home to my loft apartment to my faithful cat, Sophie, and drink martini' it seemed glamorous at the time.
48. I hate when people make me feel inferior
49. I dont like ketchup
50. I hate shoes, I wish I could go barefoot
51. I think the culture in the eastern part of the US is just charming
52. My favorite family trip we've taken has been to Tucson
53. I am addicted to Dog the Bounty Hunter
54. and since becoming addicted to Dog the Bounty Hunter, I think I want to be a bounty hunter. lol
55. Even though I'm not a dog person, I don't know what I'd do without our dog Harley. I'd be heartbroken if anything ever happened to him.
56. is totally ignoring the crying I hear in the other room
57. I hate getting my hair done
37. I love the smell of bleach
38. I love getting tats..I have 2 already and am starting to get the itch for more. My husband created a monster
39. I love purses. Purses are my crack.
40. I always wanted a sister
41. I always hung out with dudes and rarely had any girl friends. It's okay, dudes have less drama anyways
42. I've very opinionated
43. I think I'm a horrible dancer but my husband says I'm great. I don't know which one of us is right
44. If I had a career, outside of the house, I would definatly be a workaholic
45. I hate going to the dr. not because I'm scared but because I'm to stubborn and if I do go to the dr you know something is -really- wrong
46. Before I met my husband I was not looking for love, even after I met him I had no plan to ever date him but was just content to be friends.
47. my dream before I met my husband was to be a CEO of some high powered company, be single, work 80 hour weeks then come home to my loft apartment to my faithful cat, Sophie, and drink martini' it seemed glamorous at the time.
48. I hate when people make me feel inferior
49. I dont like ketchup
50. I hate shoes, I wish I could go barefoot
51. I think the culture in the eastern part of the US is just charming
52. My favorite family trip we've taken has been to Tucson
53. I am addicted to Dog the Bounty Hunter
54. and since becoming addicted to Dog the Bounty Hunter, I think I want to be a bounty hunter. lol
55. Even though I'm not a dog person, I don't know what I'd do without our dog Harley. I'd be heartbroken if anything ever happened to him.
56. is totally ignoring the crying I hear in the other room
57. I hate getting my hair done
Saturday, July 24, 2010
What is a civilian?
In about 2 years it will be our time to say 'byebye' Army. The Army has been good to us. It gave us a great start in life, helped BD and I prepare ourselves for the 'real world', I've met -wonderful- life long friends I will cherish forever, the Army allowed us to opportunity to buy our own home but it's our time to step out by ourselves and be civilians.
Already I'm wondering what's it like to be a civilian. What will it be like to have my husband home all the time, day in day out, everyday. It sounds funny, but I'm so stumped as to what that's like. If you include the time BD and I dated we've been physically together I'm pretty sure it's less than 3 years and we'll have been a couple for 6 years this August. We do apart very well, we are excellent communicators via email/messenger/letters. What will it be like to be physically together everyday? If you wanna be honest, it seems weird to me that 'normal' couples spend everyday together, for years at a time. lol BD and I joke that by the time we are really starting to irritate each other the Army sends him away and we have that time away from each other to get back into that Honeymoon phase again.
Another aspect of civilian life that scares me is that I may not always know where our next paycheck is going to come from, as with the Army, you do. That's a big thing for me. I need to feel secure, financially. I grew up always knowing there'd be food on the table and money to buy what I needed and I always felt secure in that aspect. My loving husband knows this and understands this about me. We've had long talks about this subject, especially in this economy. I know that he will do any and everything in his power to make it so that I always feel secure in that aspect. That means the -world- to me. He has a solid plan for when he gets out and honestly, that woos me just about as much as a 4Ct diamond ring would. haha I have told him though that I will gladly give up my 3 bedroom house with a den and a large yard and live in a small 2 bedroom apartment just to have him with us. I'll give up the new cars and clothes *we'll have to further discuss the purse collection issues* :-)
The deployments every year are too much for both of us. He wants to be with his family and we want him home with us. I don't believe a word of the whole "deployments will slow down" bit, sorry, I don't. Maybe I'm jaded. I dont know.
We're excited. We get to choose where we want to live, we get to choose what to do with our lives.
The Army will always be a part of me. Deep down I will always be that Proud Army Wife. But its time for us to be 2 years. :-D
Already I'm wondering what's it like to be a civilian. What will it be like to have my husband home all the time, day in day out, everyday. It sounds funny, but I'm so stumped as to what that's like. If you include the time BD and I dated we've been physically together I'm pretty sure it's less than 3 years and we'll have been a couple for 6 years this August. We do apart very well, we are excellent communicators via email/messenger/letters. What will it be like to be physically together everyday? If you wanna be honest, it seems weird to me that 'normal' couples spend everyday together, for years at a time. lol BD and I joke that by the time we are really starting to irritate each other the Army sends him away and we have that time away from each other to get back into that Honeymoon phase again.
Another aspect of civilian life that scares me is that I may not always know where our next paycheck is going to come from, as with the Army, you do. That's a big thing for me. I need to feel secure, financially. I grew up always knowing there'd be food on the table and money to buy what I needed and I always felt secure in that aspect. My loving husband knows this and understands this about me. We've had long talks about this subject, especially in this economy. I know that he will do any and everything in his power to make it so that I always feel secure in that aspect. That means the -world- to me. He has a solid plan for when he gets out and honestly, that woos me just about as much as a 4Ct diamond ring would. haha I have told him though that I will gladly give up my 3 bedroom house with a den and a large yard and live in a small 2 bedroom apartment just to have him with us. I'll give up the new cars and clothes *we'll have to further discuss the purse collection issues* :-)
The deployments every year are too much for both of us. He wants to be with his family and we want him home with us. I don't believe a word of the whole "deployments will slow down" bit, sorry, I don't. Maybe I'm jaded. I dont know.
We're excited. We get to choose where we want to live, we get to choose what to do with our lives.
The Army will always be a part of me. Deep down I will always be that Proud Army Wife. But its time for us to be 2 years. :-D
Another week
Another week gone. Another Friday that I lived through. I hate Friday's. When BD was home Friday was our 'date night' whether we were lucky enough to have a sitter,pizza with the kids then a movie/popcorn after they went to bed, a later dinner after the kids were in bed, or one of our favorite Pasttimes, Wii, we got so competitive that we'd sometimes be up until midnight/1am trying to beat each other. Whatever we did that was our night for us. Now that my Wii buddy is gone Friday's leave me with a little hole of loneliness. One of the deployment keys to survival is to make you're own routines and I'm trying to do to for Friday nights, it's just coming along slowly. Only XX amount of Friday's left before my Wii buddy is back home with me.
So the girls room is 99% finished, just need to add some decorations on the walls and such and I am SO happy with how it looks and so proud of myself for making my dream come to life. I also got my noni in a toddler bed all in the same week *go me!* The toddler bed wasn't planned but I've learned as a mother that if you're kids embrace something then go for it!
Now it's time for me to really crack down and start potty training lana..*sigh* I'll be honest, I'd rather scrub a prison bathroom then potty train another kid already. uughhh but I also want to be diaper free for a few months before #3 comes along. My only hope is that since lillia was SO hard to potty train that lana will give me a break.
It's the last week of July! Oh how happy I am! Let's just move right on into Fall please! 1 more room in our house to be painted, our spare room, so I hope to have that done before September, also.
Well ya'll time for our Saturday Park Fun. Mommy runs/does stairs then the kids get to play if they are good, if not, we try it again on Sunday :-)
Miss You my Wii Buddy! Love you to the moon and back, Venusforever baby!
So the girls room is 99% finished, just need to add some decorations on the walls and such and I am SO happy with how it looks and so proud of myself for making my dream come to life. I also got my noni in a toddler bed all in the same week *go me!* The toddler bed wasn't planned but I've learned as a mother that if you're kids embrace something then go for it!
Now it's time for me to really crack down and start potty training lana..*sigh* I'll be honest, I'd rather scrub a prison bathroom then potty train another kid already. uughhh but I also want to be diaper free for a few months before #3 comes along. My only hope is that since lillia was SO hard to potty train that lana will give me a break.
It's the last week of July! Oh how happy I am! Let's just move right on into Fall please! 1 more room in our house to be painted, our spare room, so I hope to have that done before September, also.
Well ya'll time for our Saturday Park Fun. Mommy runs/does stairs then the kids get to play if they are good, if not, we try it again on Sunday :-)
Miss You my Wii Buddy! Love you to the moon and back, Venusforever baby!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Part 2, 101 about me
k..Im really starting to doubt that I'm interesting enough to have 101 facts about me...............let's see what we can come up with
23. my favorite sandwich is the Reuben
24. I'm independent *like you didn't know that, right*
25. Would love to visit NY
26. is a little bit of a's quite possible I could burn a bra one day
25. I'm not the "Good Submissive wife" I let my thoughts be known on subjects, BD likes it, says it 'challenges him' *I think he means that in a good way* Oh well, he never complains. I am working on getting better at it though :-)
26. I'm Feisty * you didn't know*
27. I love cleaning the bathroom
28. I love my bed, I don't spend near enough time in it. It's warm and comfortable..heaven
29. My favorite numbers are 3 and 18.
30. I don't have a favorite color, I like all. Purple does have a slight advantage though to the rest
31. I hate that people can't keep their dogs contained in their yards. It's really not that difficult.
32. Has super momma bear syndrome when it comes to my kids
33. Is a "class is half empty' kinda workin on it though
34. my favorite type of movie is comedy
35. Can't stand stupidity
All for' later
23. my favorite sandwich is the Reuben
24. I'm independent *like you didn't know that, right*
25. Would love to visit NY
26. is a little bit of a's quite possible I could burn a bra one day
25. I'm not the "Good Submissive wife" I let my thoughts be known on subjects, BD likes it, says it 'challenges him' *I think he means that in a good way* Oh well, he never complains. I am working on getting better at it though :-)
26. I'm Feisty * you didn't know*
27. I love cleaning the bathroom
28. I love my bed, I don't spend near enough time in it. It's warm and comfortable..heaven
29. My favorite numbers are 3 and 18.
30. I don't have a favorite color, I like all. Purple does have a slight advantage though to the rest
31. I hate that people can't keep their dogs contained in their yards. It's really not that difficult.
32. Has super momma bear syndrome when it comes to my kids
33. Is a "class is half empty' kinda workin on it though
34. my favorite type of movie is comedy
35. Can't stand stupidity
All for' later
Thursday, July 22, 2010
101 facts about me
A couple blogs that I frequent did this so I'm gonna give it a go, let's see if I can come up with 101...I'm pretty boring. :-)
1. my biggest pet peeve is walking barefoot on the floor and feeling something under my feet, whether it be dirt, food, toy, whatever..drives me up a WALL
2. I hate sweet potatoes...Have ever since I was a baby
3. I HATE getting woken up at night
4. I'm not a dog person
5. I want to open my own bakery one day
6. Even though before I had kids I wanted a boy and a girl, I am BEYOND thrilled that I got 2 girls. I can't imagine anything better!
7. I don't like being outside
8. My first job was at a deli and I LOVED that job. I could have worked there the rest of my life. It was so much fun
9. I want to have twins
10. I love having things neat and orderly, I just don't have the energy sometimes to always keep it like that.
11. I wanted to be an accountant when I grew up, I'd still like the job
12. I need quiet, noise and chaos makes me cringe.
13. I can be a TV addict
14. I could live alone in a quiet place happily for the rest of my life
15. My first car was an 86 Honda Accord...I loved that car
16. I've had our future sons' first name picked out since I was 15 and his middle name since I met BD
17. I want more tattoos
18. I can't wait until our ETS date
19. I hate giving the girls a bath, That was BD's job and it irriates me to do it now that he's gone
20. I love decorating
21. One more baby for us then we are done!
22. I want to adopt
all for now! more later :-)
1. my biggest pet peeve is walking barefoot on the floor and feeling something under my feet, whether it be dirt, food, toy, whatever..drives me up a WALL
2. I hate sweet potatoes...Have ever since I was a baby
3. I HATE getting woken up at night
4. I'm not a dog person
5. I want to open my own bakery one day
6. Even though before I had kids I wanted a boy and a girl, I am BEYOND thrilled that I got 2 girls. I can't imagine anything better!
7. I don't like being outside
8. My first job was at a deli and I LOVED that job. I could have worked there the rest of my life. It was so much fun
9. I want to have twins
10. I love having things neat and orderly, I just don't have the energy sometimes to always keep it like that.
11. I wanted to be an accountant when I grew up, I'd still like the job
12. I need quiet, noise and chaos makes me cringe.
13. I can be a TV addict
14. I could live alone in a quiet place happily for the rest of my life
15. My first car was an 86 Honda Accord...I loved that car
16. I've had our future sons' first name picked out since I was 15 and his middle name since I met BD
17. I want more tattoos
18. I can't wait until our ETS date
19. I hate giving the girls a bath, That was BD's job and it irriates me to do it now that he's gone
20. I love decorating
21. One more baby for us then we are done!
22. I want to adopt
all for now! more later :-)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Big changes
Lots of big changes are happening around here. First of all I started painting the girls bedroom. Their poor room needed a remodel so so bad! Our house was built in 1950 and I dont think that room has been painted since 1950. Theres also 'wonderful' decorative wood 'panneling' on 2 walls...ick! Their walls are a beautiful green color now and there will be a pink border around the top of the wall and around the middle of the wall. along with new curtains, decorations, Miss Lana will get a big girl bed and bedding set and new dresser. Im so excited about how it'll turn out.
So yesterday I started on the painting during naptime and moved miss Lana's mattress into the play room, kind of a 'is she ready for a big girl bed' tryout. And lemme tell you that girl did amazing!! She went right to sleep and didnt get up once! Which is such a vast contrast to when lillia was put in a big girl bed.
Lillia's big girl bed experience went something like this: it was last deployment, I was 7 months pregnant, new big girl bed, I put that child back in her bed so many times I called my mom crying after 2 hours bc it was causing me to have contractions. Finally had to just shut her door and let her pass out where she may bc it was wreaking havoc on my body and I kid you not we fought that battle for 3+ months.
So, as you might imagine yesterdays experience with lana was fantastic! Even last night for bedtime she went right to sleep. Poor thing did keep slippin off the mattress around 10:30 so I had to go in there a few times and help her but after she finally got settled and realized the bed had 'boundries' she slept fabulous and is still asleep right now! So needless to say Im breakin down the crib and she will just sleep on the mattress in her room until I can get her a big girl bed. YAY LANA BABY!!!!!! My lil baby is growing up! Who woulda thought it woudl have been this easy? *not I*
Next big project: Potty training. We've tried it out with lana in the past few weeks but we're gonna start gettin serious about it. Lets hope it's as easy as the big girl bed and we will just be Fantastic!! it really is the small things in life :-)
So yesterday I started on the painting during naptime and moved miss Lana's mattress into the play room, kind of a 'is she ready for a big girl bed' tryout. And lemme tell you that girl did amazing!! She went right to sleep and didnt get up once! Which is such a vast contrast to when lillia was put in a big girl bed.
Lillia's big girl bed experience went something like this: it was last deployment, I was 7 months pregnant, new big girl bed, I put that child back in her bed so many times I called my mom crying after 2 hours bc it was causing me to have contractions. Finally had to just shut her door and let her pass out where she may bc it was wreaking havoc on my body and I kid you not we fought that battle for 3+ months.
So, as you might imagine yesterdays experience with lana was fantastic! Even last night for bedtime she went right to sleep. Poor thing did keep slippin off the mattress around 10:30 so I had to go in there a few times and help her but after she finally got settled and realized the bed had 'boundries' she slept fabulous and is still asleep right now! So needless to say Im breakin down the crib and she will just sleep on the mattress in her room until I can get her a big girl bed. YAY LANA BABY!!!!!! My lil baby is growing up! Who woulda thought it woudl have been this easy? *not I*
Next big project: Potty training. We've tried it out with lana in the past few weeks but we're gonna start gettin serious about it. Lets hope it's as easy as the big girl bed and we will just be Fantastic!! it really is the small things in life :-)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
1 month down
Tomorrow is officially 1 month down! well, In sandbox time it's already tomorrow so Im celebrating today :-) My husband gets to do everything a day early, why shouldn't I? This month has gone fast and slow all at the same time.
We have 2 more weeks in July and Im ready to get them overwith. August-December should fly for us, so I'm stoked!
I didn't lose any weight this week. I still have to lose 3lbs before the end of July to make my goal. My eating last week wasn't that hot so I need to get that in check this week. I did exercise everyday last week so I'm proud of that.
This week my goal is to focus on the girls' room. I need to go through their clothes and paint the room. They also need new curtains, lana needs to be in a big girl bed and get her sheet set, although I don't think all of that will happen. We shall see.
We have 2 more weeks in July and Im ready to get them overwith. August-December should fly for us, so I'm stoked!
I didn't lose any weight this week. I still have to lose 3lbs before the end of July to make my goal. My eating last week wasn't that hot so I need to get that in check this week. I did exercise everyday last week so I'm proud of that.
This week my goal is to focus on the girls' room. I need to go through their clothes and paint the room. They also need new curtains, lana needs to be in a big girl bed and get her sheet set, although I don't think all of that will happen. We shall see.
Friday, July 16, 2010
What a week!
Where did this week go?? It just flew by. It was a crazy, crazy week. I had appts, errands, ect ect everyday and not one of those appts or errands went smoothly. (Don't ya hate it when that happens?) It seemed like each project took 3 times longer than it should have. For example, the act of canceling a cell phone line took 3 days and 5 different stops and 3 seperate calls just to accomplish it. It was just one of those weeks. And with 2 kids who need naps and cause every errand to take twice as long, I didn't get much accomplshed. Found that yesterday we had very little water pressure and after 3 calls and talking to numerous different people I finally got someone from the city to come out and look to make sure everything was okay and right as he got here whatever the problem was, righted itself...yaaa those weeks. :-) And don't even get my kids attitudes this week. On the upside the exercising is going fabulous and I've done so good all week.
So its finally Friday and all that I have to do today is make a quick trip to the grocery store to get a few items then I plan to spend the rest of the day getting my house in somewhat of an order. It's been neglected horribly this week and needs some TLC.
Have a fabulous Friday ya'll!
So its finally Friday and all that I have to do today is make a quick trip to the grocery store to get a few items then I plan to spend the rest of the day getting my house in somewhat of an order. It's been neglected horribly this week and needs some TLC.
Have a fabulous Friday ya'll!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Mrs. Fix-it
Oh yes, thats me! Mrs. Fix-it! It's my mission to fix, or try to fix, any household problem that arises by myself, if possible. Now, the broken window and the "I hate Midas" issues were beyond my control but for the most part I'm pretty handy around the house. (Just don't tell my husband, he'll think its a free pass) BD if you're reading this: no..I will not continue to do household repairs once you get home. sorry! Although it -was- my idea to get rid of the home warrenty bc "we never use it' Coulda used it lately huh....oh well, look at all the knowledge I'm gaining.
Anyways, A few days ago broken glass mysteriously got into my garbage disposal. Don't understand how that happened bc I would never put broken glass in the disposal and I didnt even see any remnants of a glass in the sink to begin with. Well, I found said broken glass by turning on the garbage disposal and having it promptly lock up on me. No fun. So I stood there for 20 minutes pain-stakingly fishing out every piece of broken glass just by touch, risky business, After 20 minutes I had almost given up hope and called a repair man, picturing a horrid bill for a new disposal when we had just replaced the disposal about a year ago. But I kept at it like the little engine that could and after nearly 30 minutes I was victorious! I had gotten every little bit of glass out of the disposal and it worked perfectly. You shoulda seen me. I was estatic. *seriously, I need cameras in this house, I'd be a HIT reality show!*
And dreaded kitchen sink is once again giving me fits. Its all clogged up and not draining. Sooo I plungered it, that just caused a gyser out of the other side, kinda cool but not the results I was looking for. I'm now in the middle of trying the vinegar/baking soda trick if that doesn't work I will have to get out the big guns and get some actual "gnaw out all the junk with harsh chemicals' cleaner.
This is starting to be kinda fun *i said KINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!* because I am learning new things and fixing the problems and I feel so proud and victorious after I fix the problem! I'm learning how to fix things that I would normally say "babe, come fix this!" annd theres also the fact that I Hate........HATE...having fix it men in the house..with a PASSION! So I am going to try whatever is necessary to fix the problem myself.
We shall see if I can conquer the sink!!!
All for today...From Mrs. Fix-it
Anyways, A few days ago broken glass mysteriously got into my garbage disposal. Don't understand how that happened bc I would never put broken glass in the disposal and I didnt even see any remnants of a glass in the sink to begin with. Well, I found said broken glass by turning on the garbage disposal and having it promptly lock up on me. No fun. So I stood there for 20 minutes pain-stakingly fishing out every piece of broken glass just by touch, risky business, After 20 minutes I had almost given up hope and called a repair man, picturing a horrid bill for a new disposal when we had just replaced the disposal about a year ago. But I kept at it like the little engine that could and after nearly 30 minutes I was victorious! I had gotten every little bit of glass out of the disposal and it worked perfectly. You shoulda seen me. I was estatic. *seriously, I need cameras in this house, I'd be a HIT reality show!*
And dreaded kitchen sink is once again giving me fits. Its all clogged up and not draining. Sooo I plungered it, that just caused a gyser out of the other side, kinda cool but not the results I was looking for. I'm now in the middle of trying the vinegar/baking soda trick if that doesn't work I will have to get out the big guns and get some actual "gnaw out all the junk with harsh chemicals' cleaner.
This is starting to be kinda fun *i said KINDA!!!!!!!!!!!!* because I am learning new things and fixing the problems and I feel so proud and victorious after I fix the problem! I'm learning how to fix things that I would normally say "babe, come fix this!" annd theres also the fact that I Hate........HATE...having fix it men in the house..with a PASSION! So I am going to try whatever is necessary to fix the problem myself.
We shall see if I can conquer the sink!!!
All for today...From Mrs. Fix-it
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Letters to my Daughters
I occasionally write letters to my daughters. I want them to have that treasure if Lord Forbid, something were to happen to me. So this time I decided to blog them.
My lil crazy hair girl *blame your daddy for that*, I love you more than life itself! You are almost 3, I don't know where the time went. You are so kind and so loving, especially to your sister, I love that about you. You are also feisty and stubborn, like your momma, and I love that. I admire how you can go up to people and just be friends and start a conversation, you get that from your daddy. I know you are having a hard time right now, Missing your daddy. You and daddy always were very close! When you were first born and were having a hard time breathing and staying warm your daddy stood next to your bed and rubbed your head for hours and talked to you. Mommy was busy trying to feel better and couldn't see you for a couple hours. You had your daddy wrapped around his finger from that moment on. You have grown into such a wonderful little girl. You've learned so much in the last year and I'm so proud of you. Please know that mommy will always fight for you, no matter what. I love you!
You are a little mini-me. Blonde hair, blue eyes. You have such a tender soul. You're kind and tender-hearted and you love cuddling with mommy. For the first 6 months of your life it was just you, mommy and lillia. You slept with mommy, you were glued to my side. Then when daddy came home, you won his heart too. You're your daddies little baby. He's a sucker for blonde hair and blue eyes ;-) You are so funny, you keep mommy laughing. You also have your daddies temper, Yes ma'am you do, since you were a few months old. You are such a happy lil 18 month old, except for when you're mad...then you're M-A-D. You have your daddies gentleness and sleeping abilities and his eating abilities, you like your food and always have. You look like your mommy and act like your daddy! You are almost 2 and I can't believe it. You were mommy and daddies surprise baby and it was the best surprise EVER. I can't imagine you not in our lives.
Always know that mommy will fight for you no matter WHAT! I love you!

My lil crazy hair girl *blame your daddy for that*, I love you more than life itself! You are almost 3, I don't know where the time went. You are so kind and so loving, especially to your sister, I love that about you. You are also feisty and stubborn, like your momma, and I love that. I admire how you can go up to people and just be friends and start a conversation, you get that from your daddy. I know you are having a hard time right now, Missing your daddy. You and daddy always were very close! When you were first born and were having a hard time breathing and staying warm your daddy stood next to your bed and rubbed your head for hours and talked to you. Mommy was busy trying to feel better and couldn't see you for a couple hours. You had your daddy wrapped around his finger from that moment on. You have grown into such a wonderful little girl. You've learned so much in the last year and I'm so proud of you. Please know that mommy will always fight for you, no matter what. I love you!
You are a little mini-me. Blonde hair, blue eyes. You have such a tender soul. You're kind and tender-hearted and you love cuddling with mommy. For the first 6 months of your life it was just you, mommy and lillia. You slept with mommy, you were glued to my side. Then when daddy came home, you won his heart too. You're your daddies little baby. He's a sucker for blonde hair and blue eyes ;-) You are so funny, you keep mommy laughing. You also have your daddies temper, Yes ma'am you do, since you were a few months old. You are such a happy lil 18 month old, except for when you're mad...then you're M-A-D. You have your daddies gentleness and sleeping abilities and his eating abilities, you like your food and always have. You look like your mommy and act like your daddy! You are almost 2 and I can't believe it. You were mommy and daddies surprise baby and it was the best surprise EVER. I can't imagine you not in our lives.
Always know that mommy will fight for you no matter WHAT! I love you!

The island of Misfit toys
My house has become the island of misfit toys. Babydolls with broken legs/arms/eyeballs, 2 toy bowling pins when we started with 6 and the list goes on and on, so today during naptime I will be going through that island and weeding out the misfits.
August is a huge month for us. Theres 5 birthdays in my immediate family, which includes miss Lillibug's 3rd birthday! So before I will bring more toys into this house I must weed through the old. My kids don't get toys other than birthday and Christmas. Theres the rare "grandparents spoiling' that I allow and the very very VERY rare "last minute purchase'' at the store *I think it's only happened once or twice in 3 years* But for the most part my kids only get toys on their birthday or Christmas. Starting in August the new toys just start comin through the door, Lillias birthday, Allanas birthday in Dec, then Christmas.
So I'm starting early and doing it now. We will be super busy in August. Birthday shopping, Birthday parties, trips and the list goes on.
so long Misfits!
August is a huge month for us. Theres 5 birthdays in my immediate family, which includes miss Lillibug's 3rd birthday! So before I will bring more toys into this house I must weed through the old. My kids don't get toys other than birthday and Christmas. Theres the rare "grandparents spoiling' that I allow and the very very VERY rare "last minute purchase'' at the store *I think it's only happened once or twice in 3 years* But for the most part my kids only get toys on their birthday or Christmas. Starting in August the new toys just start comin through the door, Lillias birthday, Allanas birthday in Dec, then Christmas.
So I'm starting early and doing it now. We will be super busy in August. Birthday shopping, Birthday parties, trips and the list goes on.
so long Misfits!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
I AM smarter than I look
So yesterday I caught babybug digging in her ears and she was running a 100.2 fever, she's also been waking up a lot in the night, I just figured it was because shes still adjusting to BD being gone, but when I saw the ear digging I knew.
So I called the Dr this morning and got an appt, fabulous. I LOVE the girls Dr, he's so nice, respectful, knows his stuff, and generally a good guy *If you're looking for a Dr in the Ft. Hood area, gimmie a holler*
Soo we get there and this other Dr walks in, doesn't even introduce himself and then it starts:
Dr: sooo you think she has an ear infection..why?
Me: shes digging in her ears, had a temp of 100.2, isnt sleeping well
Dr: well she doesnt have a fever now, and she looks fine, plus 100.2 can be a perfectly normal temperature
Me: she doesnt have a fever bc I gave her tylanol, you can never tell my kids are sick by just looking at them, and I've NEVER heard of 100.2 being a 'normal temp'
sooo he asks me to lay her on the table and tells me to hold her arms down, so fine, I take her hands and hold them down, I know that babybug is meek enough where if I held her hands she wouldn't move her arm, But Mr. DR TSK's me and says "Hold her ARMS" and proceeds to grab my hand and place it where -he- wants it. So, I move my hand back down to her hands. I'm trying to be nice, bc I need meds for my baby so I don't snap at him then he checks her ears and says:
wow.......well, she does have a double ear infection. and is completely shocked that I am, in fact, correct. *imagine that*
then he proceeds to say:
Has she had an ear infection recently?
me: no, this is her first
Dr:'re a good guesser
me: i know my kid
soo he puts in an RX for her and he says "oh ya, did I ever tell you my name"
me: No, in fact you never did
so he proceeds too and then says "well, byebye now"
so I start to grab the kids, purse, diaperbag and as I'm doing so Mr. Dr proceeds to once again say "oookay, byebye now"
any mother of a child knows hwo difficult it is to get 2 kids walking out the door, plus a purse, plus a diaperbag
and once again I hear "okay, byebye now!" *yes...3 times*
So I go to the pharmacy, taking my time bc I know it takes a bit, get there 30 minutes later only to find out Mr. Dr put the RX in for a different DATE!! so they didnt even have it ready. I finally told the lady "look I dont know why the Dr did that, but I need my baby's meds, she's sick!" Luckily the Pharmacy Tech was very helpful and got it ready as soon as she could, although I did have to wait 20 minutes with a cranky baby and disobedient toddler. But the important thing was that my baby got her medicine.
WHY must Drs be so condesending? especially when I'm RIGHT! i may be young and don't have a Dr degree but I'm NOT an idiot, So I dont expect to be treated like one.
Needless to say I will NOT be seeing that Dr again!
So I called the Dr this morning and got an appt, fabulous. I LOVE the girls Dr, he's so nice, respectful, knows his stuff, and generally a good guy *If you're looking for a Dr in the Ft. Hood area, gimmie a holler*
Soo we get there and this other Dr walks in, doesn't even introduce himself and then it starts:
Dr: sooo you think she has an ear infection..why?
Me: shes digging in her ears, had a temp of 100.2, isnt sleeping well
Dr: well she doesnt have a fever now, and she looks fine, plus 100.2 can be a perfectly normal temperature
Me: she doesnt have a fever bc I gave her tylanol, you can never tell my kids are sick by just looking at them, and I've NEVER heard of 100.2 being a 'normal temp'
sooo he asks me to lay her on the table and tells me to hold her arms down, so fine, I take her hands and hold them down, I know that babybug is meek enough where if I held her hands she wouldn't move her arm, But Mr. DR TSK's me and says "Hold her ARMS" and proceeds to grab my hand and place it where -he- wants it. So, I move my hand back down to her hands. I'm trying to be nice, bc I need meds for my baby so I don't snap at him then he checks her ears and says:
wow.......well, she does have a double ear infection. and is completely shocked that I am, in fact, correct. *imagine that*
then he proceeds to say:
Has she had an ear infection recently?
me: no, this is her first
Dr:'re a good guesser
me: i know my kid
soo he puts in an RX for her and he says "oh ya, did I ever tell you my name"
me: No, in fact you never did
so he proceeds too and then says "well, byebye now"
so I start to grab the kids, purse, diaperbag and as I'm doing so Mr. Dr proceeds to once again say "oookay, byebye now"
any mother of a child knows hwo difficult it is to get 2 kids walking out the door, plus a purse, plus a diaperbag
and once again I hear "okay, byebye now!" *yes...3 times*
So I go to the pharmacy, taking my time bc I know it takes a bit, get there 30 minutes later only to find out Mr. Dr put the RX in for a different DATE!! so they didnt even have it ready. I finally told the lady "look I dont know why the Dr did that, but I need my baby's meds, she's sick!" Luckily the Pharmacy Tech was very helpful and got it ready as soon as she could, although I did have to wait 20 minutes with a cranky baby and disobedient toddler. But the important thing was that my baby got her medicine.
WHY must Drs be so condesending? especially when I'm RIGHT! i may be young and don't have a Dr degree but I'm NOT an idiot, So I dont expect to be treated like one.
Needless to say I will NOT be seeing that Dr again!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
so, one of my goals for July was to get all our closets cleaned out and organized. Yesterday I did the Pantry and Linen closet. Took all the extra "don't use everyday" food and put it the shelving unit in our den by the washer/dryer and then started in on the Linen Closet and might I say, I've very proud!

My To-Do List for tomorrow is quite long, but I hope to get our bedroom closet done.
I've also gotta get a dr appt for baby bug, I think she's got an ear infection, exercise, bathe the dogs, mop the floors and get caught up on laundry..oh ya...and take care of an almost 3 yr old and an 18 month
Wish me luck! :-)

My To-Do List for tomorrow is quite long, but I hope to get our bedroom closet done.
I've also gotta get a dr appt for baby bug, I think she's got an ear infection, exercise, bathe the dogs, mop the floors and get caught up on laundry..oh ya...and take care of an almost 3 yr old and an 18 month
Wish me luck! :-)
Us Against the World
Today is just one of those days where I needed to watch this video. It never ceases to amaze me and fills me with hope.
I love you BD, More than words. Thank you for being an amazing daddy and husband and sacrificing so much for us.
Before long we'll be together again. I love you with all my heart! I'm keepin your side of the bed warm for you. Keep your head down
I love you BD, More than words. Thank you for being an amazing daddy and husband and sacrificing so much for us.
Before long we'll be together again. I love you with all my heart! I'm keepin your side of the bed warm for you. Keep your head down
Monday, July 5, 2010
Miss Independent
I was thinking yesterday, if my life was a show, what would my theme song be Miss Indepedent by Kelly Clarkson. I do believe this song was written for me. lol
Sunday, July 4, 2010
A to Z of my home
Once again, got this from 
Thanks for the idea :-)
A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: 75
B- My BEDROOM theme is: modern..I guess you'd call it Modern
C- The CAR in the driveway is: 2006 Ford Taurus
D- My DESK looks: a tornado hit it
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: between 6 and 7 am
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: my hair
G- My GARAGE is filled with: my car now, I cleaned it out yesterday
H- My HOME is: one of the things I'm most proud of
I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you'd see: a mess
J- My favorite JUICE is: tomato...Don't like other Juices
K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: my new red crockpot
L- The LAST person who visited my home was: Mom and dad J
M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: a bill
N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm: a loner..which I, I keep to myself
O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: Juice, milk, leftovers from last night
P- My last house PARTY was: Lillias bday party last year
Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: mushroom Chicken
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: my bedroom or livingroom
S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is: it changes every time I go to the store
T- My largest TELEVISION is: 37 I think ?
U- UNDER my bed you will find: nothin..we have a platform bed
V- The last time I VACUUMED was: yesterday
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: font yard
X- I wish I had X-TRA: storage space outside to put the jogging stroller and bikes in
Y- My YARD is: pretty big
Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: anytime between 9 and 11

Thanks for the idea :-)
A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: 75
B- My BEDROOM theme is: modern..I guess you'd call it Modern
C- The CAR in the driveway is: 2006 Ford Taurus
D- My DESK looks: a tornado hit it
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: between 6 and 7 am
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: my hair
G- My GARAGE is filled with: my car now, I cleaned it out yesterday
H- My HOME is: one of the things I'm most proud of
I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you'd see: a mess
J- My favorite JUICE is: tomato...Don't like other Juices
K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: my new red crockpot
L- The LAST person who visited my home was: Mom and dad J
M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: a bill
N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm: a loner..which I, I keep to myself
O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: Juice, milk, leftovers from last night
P- My last house PARTY was: Lillias bday party last year
Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: mushroom Chicken
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: my bedroom or livingroom
S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is: it changes every time I go to the store
T- My largest TELEVISION is: 37 I think ?
U- UNDER my bed you will find: nothin..we have a platform bed
V- The last time I VACUUMED was: yesterday
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: font yard
X- I wish I had X-TRA: storage space outside to put the jogging stroller and bikes in
Y- My YARD is: pretty big
Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: anytime between 9 and 11
Friday, July 2, 2010
goals for July
So, I was checkin out Sasha's blog ( and she happened to list her goals for the month and I thought, what a novel Idea, so here are mine:
1. Lose at least 5lbs
2. Start working on the girls bedroom
3. organize all closets
4. Do either running, Taebo, or toning exercises everyday
July will be my easy month as August will be CRAZY, 5 bdays in my family, 3 parties, plus my mom and dads anniversary (Number 21!).
1. Lose at least 5lbs
2. Start working on the girls bedroom
3. organize all closets
4. Do either running, Taebo, or toning exercises everyday
July will be my easy month as August will be CRAZY, 5 bdays in my family, 3 parties, plus my mom and dads anniversary (Number 21!).
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