One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Life As An Army Wife

That -is- the name of my blog so I thought I would share with you my day.

Thursdays are typically "family day" and they get off at 3.....ya..okay. right. That's a pretty dream someone thought up..but play along for a second will you..... (This is all texty talk also..that adds another annoyance factor)

I've heard:

"yes I'm getting off at 3"
"nope, I'm not"
"I'm in training and blah blah blah must be done first" (he didn't say blah blah, I did because it was all Army talk)
"training is done"
"ohhh sorry, they threw last minute stuff on me at 2:50"
" disregard..I gotta just talk to Sfc blah really quick" (more Army names and talk)

Now, Let's recap lunch.........
He was going to take lunch....he forgot
"I'll just skip"
"ok just bring me something"
"nevermind, just come here and we'll go get something"
so I go..and I wait...and wait..and wait.
"sorry, still in done soon"

5 minutes later................

"yah, just go get something and come back"

So I do..

"I can only grab the food and go" so I prepare to lob Tacobell out the window as he comes to the car just to hear:
"nevermind..I can stay a bit"

*whimpering*..............basically I just respond with an "ok" and all is good. Not worth the energy to get upset or stressed over.........

Semper Gumby!!!

A job at Walmart where he HAS to clock out at a certain time is starting to sound real appealing at the moment........................


Kristen said...

Sounds like my life as a Sherwin Williams Wife!! HAHA.

I think that's just M-E-N for ya!

My Life as an Army Wife said...

lol...It for real needs to be the weekend!

Casey said...

There are times I think it might have been easier being married to a CPA. He just got home (25 hours ago) after two months and they asked him today if he could leave Monday for a month and a half TDY. He, being smart and desiring to stay married, said "if you TELL me to go, I'll go but I won't volunteer". WTH were they thinking?

My Life as an Army Wife said...

oh my gosh! Casey, that's insane!! That would drive me BONKERS!! Thank goodness he told them that though!! Hope he doesn't have to go! They're off their rocker!