One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday's 10

Hey hey, it's Tuesday again!!

1. I was in no mood to get up today, thankyouverymuch.

2. I would not trade my kids (all 3 of them) for anything in the world! No career, no fancy college degree, not the prettiest sights in the world.

3. I prepped dinner yesterday for the next 2 nights.. I'm proud.

4. My 4yr old has brought home an attitude from school, complete with 'whatever', 'riiiiiiiiiight' and arm crossing.

5. I had quite a bit of energy yesterday but today doesn't look as promising..I'm already ready for a nap.. at 8:15am

6. I totally gorged myself on Lofthouse Sugar cookies...oh..em..gee..delish

7. On Sunday I had a warm, fresh Krispy was amazing.

8. I am SO tired of going to the store for 1 or 2 items. I just can't get myself together.

9. Anyone in my area know about any fun fallish type stuff? Pumpkin patches, ect

10. I am craving carmel apples...not just any carmel but the carmel my mom makes, all melty and cream cheese (I think) mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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