One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday's 10

1. I'm lacking serious motivation today

2. I'm at the stage in pregnancy where I'm hungry but nothing tastes good..that sucks. If I choose something that my stomach did not like then I get a horrible case of queasy stomach alll daayyy looonngg.. It's kinda like playing Jenga. It sucks.

3. My jogging stroller has a perpetual flat tire so until it gets fixed I've had the car..I can't lie, I'm kinda enjoying it.

4. I didn't have to take Hubs to work this morning. What an amazing treat! I don't have to leave the house until 1030am. Beautiful.

5. Brats or chicken alfredo......That is the question. Either one requires a trip to the no help there.

6. Theres a big ceremony, todo at Hubs work and rumor is that after said ceremony they are done for the day............Really hoping that rumor is true..of course that sounds too good to be true.

7. It's impossible to keep a 745sq ft apartment clean to my standard (my standard of claen is much different from other standards of clean)

8. I have OCD when it comes to my house. Now, it's not debilitating OCD to the point where I cannot leave until it's perfect, it's more mental OCD, as in, it just keeps rolling around in my brain until I explode and yell at everyone for not keepin their crap picked up

9. School nights are exausting. Dinner, bath, reading homework, bed all in 2 hours.

10. School in and of itself is exausting. Find a matching outfit, make sure child eats, get to the bus stop on time, pick up kid, go through backpack, deal with sisterly fighting that they've kept pent up all day and then the nightly routine begins.... I'm not looking forward to next year when I gotta have her to school by 745. uughh

1 comment:

Casey said...

Your comment about your type of OCD made me laugh out loud and spray the laptop. (Which involved my cleaning it up...sigh.) Thanks for the giggle. :)