One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday's 10

My friend,Laura, at is doing this and it looked I'm copying. Ps: Go check her out, She's cool!

Now..for this weeks "Tuesday's 10"

1. Having a pool in the complex is a wonderful to tire my kids out.

2. There's a weird, really bad smell coming from underneath my worries me.

3. I cannot wait to have my furniture again.

4. My little dumpling is so super close to being potty trained. I can barely contain myself I'm so excited! I may be diaper free for the first time in 4 years here soon!

5. I'm really tired of not having any pots and pans

6. Although I am proud of my resourcefulness in cooking without any cookware

7. I can't wait to have my TV..I feel so cut off from the world

8. I'm craving fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean cassarole and homemade mac and cheese

9. Instead of the above we are having chili (canned..barf), wich I will be cooking either in a teapot and or in the oven, and green chili cornbread. I have hope the cornbread might be decent

10. I don't know what I was thinking letting the movers take -all- my pots and pans... Obviously I wasn't. I also have my crockpot 'insert' but not the 'cooker' part. I'm a dork

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