One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, August 5, 2011


Well here I am! Been here 3 days and in true Army Wife fashion (By "Army wife fashion" I mean "What you see in the movies and isn't really real) All my boxes are unpacked (that I can unpack at the moment) and are as organized as one can be without any furniture, beds, intables, and such. Really, I just can't stand to live in clutter. Now all I need is my furniture, which we've been told "will be awhile"...lovely.

I get my babies back tomorrow from their week stay at Grandma's and I'm SOOO excited to see them! I missed them so much! In 2 1/2 wks my oldest will be heading off into the big world of Pre-k. How can that be?! Not just Pre-k but on a BUS no less! It's the's messing with my brain. Okay, so the Bus has only kids from her school and only goes -to- her school and has a monitor..but still! The Dad thinks it'll 'be good for her' I'm not so sure.

I'm starting to really enjoy it here, now that our swamp cooler is fixed and keeps the house under 95. It feels very 'simple' to me and simple is what I need right now. The last time I remember feeling like things were simple was when I was on deployment #2 with a newborn and a 15 month old.
The simpleness of only 745sq ft to care for, the simpleness of not having to worry about anything breaking bc if it breaks I just call Lilly at the office and tell her, the simpleness of not worrying about a deployment, the simpleness of taking my big one to the bus every morning and picking her up every afternoon. (Disclaimer: I'm sure I didn't use the correct english tense when I went on my 'simpleness' rant..but it's my it's okay)
I love watching storms roll in over the mountains, which has happened every night here. I love the cool evenings and mornings. I love all the food and shopping...hehe...I love the palm trees, I love the views. I love how we are literally right across the street from hubs work.

It all seems so very...right. So very simple. Right now my body, mind, and spirit are craving simple. I feel like I can finally breathe for the first time in a long time.


Non-Stop Mom said...

I can totally identify with you on the "simpleness" - as I was going through divorce #2, I had to move from a huge 2 story/4BR/office with an attic and a basement to a 2BR with nothing else - with 5 kids. We got rid of so much stuff and all I wanted was to make life simple.

I just found your blog and saw that you were follwing me - thanks!


My Life as an Army Wife said...

Hey Amy,

Thanks for checkin it out! :) I enjoy your blog. Saw you were from Ks. I lived in Hutch for 18 years. My parents still live there.
