One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Monday, August 15, 2011

The tale of two toddlers

So sweet, so loving, so beautiful..............

Don't let this picture fool you. Something has taken over my children. I love my children dearly. With everything that I am but.. Oh merciful goodness, they are out to see how bat crazy they can make me.

Today, for example, They broke the screen out of the window 3 times, locked my bedroom door and I had to totally remove the whole doorknob hardware, and took off all the boingy door stopper things bc "They were moving around" and right as I got finished putting back on the door stoppers little dumpling went behind me and took them all off again. All before 10am.

orrr Let's chase my sister around with a pair of tongs and scream "ARRGHHH" and scare her half to death.

orrr how about taking a bite out of sister. That's always fun.

Another fun one is grabbing the plates of food off the counter while mom goes to the fridge to finish making lunch.

The Big One's new obsession with Batman makes me wanna poke my eyes out too.

I dont understand. It's the elevation. It has to be. oh yes, it's also lack of real TV, toys (they have some, but not all) or furniture.

I think I'm going to go sit in my closet with a package of Oreos. They'd make me feel better.

School starts in 1 week. One..week.

My lovely husband just read this blog and said he wished he could stay home with them ..and I quote.. "I don't understand, they are always good when I'm alone with them"

He's gonna sleep on the couch....oh wait, We don't have one.

There's not enough Wine in the world..............

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