One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My First Blissful Post

HERE I AM! I've been at Bliss for 24 hours now. Here I sit amongst boxes and a blow up mattress and no kids (THANK YOU MOMMY FOR TAKING MY KIDS)

Here's what I've learned in the 24 hours I've been here

1. Upstairs apartments SUCK!

2. I need to brush up on my spanish

3. I'm letting my 4yr old ride a bus to school. I must be crazy..Must be the elevation. Granted it's a bus that has -just- her school, goes to -just- her school and has a monitor on it..but still.

4. We gotta stop eating out and I gotta get back on a normal diet. I'm growing a second butt as we speak

5. It's really not that bad here!! Waking up to mountains is beautiful, Watching sunsets over mountains is beautiful, the people are friendly..mostly, Theres a Carls Jr, Elmers and El Taco Tote, and it Killeen folks: That's that wet stuff that falls from the sky..remember that ?

6. Out door shopping center... on post.. Palm Trees..Water sprayers and playground all on the shopping strip. It's the most awesome thing I've ever seen. I'll get around to taking a pic soon.

7. My bathroom sink/ counter/cabinets are in my hallway... it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. It's slowly growing on me..very slowly

8. We rented this apartment sight unseen and we hit the jackpot. It's very clean, friendly, plush new carpet, right across the street from hubsters work, 2 pools... we lucked out.

9. The nice Mexican man with a walker below us brought us 2 ice cold bottles of water as we were moving in. He's nice. I'm going to bake him something.

10. Going from 1700sp ft to 745 sq ft is a challenge...

Trips planned in the next year:

1. Carlsbad Caverns

2. White Sands

YAY for Blissful Bliss!!!

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