One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, December 9, 2011

Fun Foto Friday

I totally almost forgot it was Friday. In my defense I've had a pukey kid and another who says her tummy hurts. I really miss my own washer and dryer when I gotta do puke laundry. Anyways, I digress, welcome to the first "FUN FOTO FRIDAY"

This is how we left Ft. Hood to come here. I miss that house so much! It was so hard to walk out that door. I actually cried a few tears walking around the house remembering all the memories there..Sappy I know.

This is how we slept for 5 wks, while we waited on the Army to get their crap together. It sucked

Rain, Rain

And Lastly, a picture of us at the Ball last week

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