One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas is about giving

We did something a few days ago we have never done before. We gave money to a man on the side of the street, they stand around at nearly every corner here. Why? I'm not sure. Because it felt right, because his sign was ledgible and was gramatically correct, because he looked truely greatful, because everytime someone gave him money he made the cross sign and kissed it, because he claimed to not smoke or drink? I'm not exactly sure why we did it, we've never done anything like that before, ever, it just felt like we should. So we did.

I didn't think much about it until hubs put something on his facebook, as that was so unlike us to do that and the responses astounded me. Angered me, saddened me. Even today, after hubs deleted it from his facebook because of the responses it still bothers me. These people not even knowing whether we gave me $1, $5, $20, or $40. After seeing what people said I'm GLAD we gave him the amount we did.

We got the following responses:
Good job, now he'll go buy booze
He'll still be a bum, even with the money
Great, now they'll all take advantage of you
That's good I guess, but he was probably lying

and so forth. There were a few people who didn't say anyting rude or against what we did but the majority did. This time of the year it saddened me to see so many people, so many people who I thought were friends with such a stingy attitude.

Here's the bottom line, it was a GIFT. We WANTED to do it. What he did with it is out of my hands. So what if he decieved us? So what if he did buy booze? That absolutely does not affect us or our lives. We did what our hearts told us. We didn't NEED that money, but he might have and if he did I hope it brightened his day, his week even.

It's Christmas time. Isn't Christmas about giving? How does him, possibly, not using the money "right" (when you give a gift you can't specify how someone uses it so I dont know that there is a "right" but whatever) How does that affect me? It DOESN'T. It doesn't affect me at all. We gave the money and followed our hearts. If he took that money and blew his nose on it, so be it. I honestly don't care. If he lied then that is on him. Not me.

When did Christmas become about how much I can get, rather than Giving???


Stacee Hord said...

I feel the same way, Erica. Corey and I have given to homeless people on the side of the road before. It's not even always about the person receiving. Giving does something in your own heart. It is not up to us on how they spend their money. Our responsibility is to do what we think is right, what we feel our heart is telling us to do. Do I always feel like I need to give money to the homeless on the side of the road? No, of course not. But when I feel that push in my heart telling me to do it, why should I argue? Like you said, it is usually money that we don't NEED. What's $5 or $20 gonna hurt?

I love your heart and attitude about this. It makes me smile. =)

papabama said...

I also agree with you and Stacee. Steve and I given at times but only when we feel led to. we pray for them and their situation. Just like giving to churches (on and off of tv) we give and if they use it in the wrong way they have to answer for it.
LOve you guys and can't wait to hear what you are having.

Tim and Cynthia Jones said...

I am proud of you and Josh!! I think you did good! Jesus was clapping up in Heaven! I'm sorry Josh felt like he had to delete the post - sad :( so sad :(