One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday's 10

1. We have a microwave!! After 6 months of no microwave someone gave us one. The kids are SOO excited! Big girl says "YAY!! now we can have popcorn!!" Little girl wants to microwave everything, even her cereal.

2. I got 10 hours of sleep last night.. Apparently that's how much I need to feel rested because I'm feeling fairly good today.

3. Why is everyone so hyped about Angelina Jolie's nappy, skinny, ugly leg and the fact she felt the need to flaunt it? It's gross..not attractive..and stupid.

4. For the past two days my kids have gone from one extreme to the other. Hyper, screaming, playing then fighting, tattling, whining. There has been no inbetween.

5. I'm really really tired of seeing Angelina's ugly leg.. It really is an ugly leg. She needs a few cupcakes.

6. It's time to play some serious catch up today.

7. New rule for my kids: If you need me, come to me. Don't sit there and holler at me non stop.

8. I'm getting really tired of people harping on me that Lil girl isn't fully potty trained yet. Yes, I know she's 3. She just started being ready, within the past few months. I played the other game where I try to force a child to be potty trained, doesn't work. So instead of fighting with lil girl for the past year I've let her be and now that she's ready she's mastering it. No accidents in 5 days with very little help on my part! I refuse to push a kid to potty train.

9. Little girl just called me "her babboon"... I guess that's better than what she called her dad.. "bad babboon" We're the babboon family.

10. Dear Angelina: Bony is not hot! Krispy Kremes will cure that leg issue you're having. I am not Team Bradgelina. Team Jennifer all the way!

1 comment:

Josh said...

I love you Angel. You are so cute! I so do love reading your blogs...especially at 0200.....the laughter helps keep me awake. Your awesome!