One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday's 10.. Valentines Day

Today is the day of luuuvv and in honor of the day of love I thought it'd be fun to share some fun things about my luuvv.

1. We met working in a deli. He didn't like me at first.. I'm not sure why..I'm a very likable person. But my charm eventually got to him and he couldn't resist me. My charm, my charisma, my beauty..ya know.. lol

2. I started by making his sandwiches and still do to this day...It's my thing. I would be offended if someone else made him a sandwich. I feel personally responsible for his food intake. I worry about his food intake.. Perhaps that's why he gains weight when he's home...hmmmm

3. There were a lot of people that didn't think we were supposed to be together.. Looking back almost 8 years I have zero regrets. Even though we've gone through some really crappy, hard times, marriage isn't always roses and sunshine. You WILL have crappy, hard times. And when push comes to shove he is still my best friend! There is no perfect marriage. I chose him as my husband and part of being married is to stick with the one you chose and fight with everything in you to make it work.

4. I also make his coffee nearly every morning or set the coffee pot for him. It's my thing.

5. He would be lost without me. Honestly. He'd forget appointments, clothes, and everything else under the sun if it weren't for me.

6. He annoys the crap out of me. Has since the first moment I met him. It's part of what makes us work.

7. I'd be lost without him. I know that for a fact. There's nobody else I'd rather be with.

8. From the first moment we met and were just hanging out as friends, he felt like "home" to me.

9. He didn't ask me to the prom. Even though, no matter what he says, he knew me and we were kinda friends, he thought I was hot so he still should have asked me. And no, he won't live that down. ever.

10. We're already starting that "old person" banter. Ya know, that banter where you pick on each other just to annoy them, or hide the salt just to get them riled. ya, that's how we roll.

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