One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, February 24, 2012

I hate crafts!!!!

I'm all for school spirit.. Raw raw!.. I participated when big girl had school spirit week awhile back..I grinned, I participated. I participated in Red Ribbon Week.. Say No to Drugs! raw raw!

Now pops up Dr. Seuss week. I rolled my eyes, I complained.. but whatever at least they gave us about 2 weeks notice to plan ahead. So, being the optimistic ahead of the game mom that I am, I went to Target and in one day knocked out Crazy Hat day and Crazy Sock Day. Both those on sale..bam! done! go me! I rock! Also had "horton hears a Hoo" day 'wear freakin elephant ears' taken care of..via hubs. I officially gave him the job of making elephant ears this weekend. Perfect! I rock! We just had to worry about Dress up like a Dr Seuss Character day and find something green to wear for Green Eggs and Ham day. Not a huge deal.

I was so proud of myself for buying a crazy hat at Target, on sale at that, and boasted to Big girl that this was her special crazy hat and she is sooo excited to wear that hat... Until she brings home a note today, Friday, about Crazy hat day, Monday. "Don't go buy a hat..make one. Make a crazy hat with anything you can think of, please refrain from food objects" Like I'm gonna cram a PB&J on her head.. Good Lord!

Are.. YOU.. FREAKING..KIDDING ME?! I JUST BOUGHT A HAT!! Now, along with the normal weekend homework (Book report and cut up magazines to find things that start with the 2 weekly letters and glue them in a book) I get to 1. Go to the store to get stupid crafing crap, 2. BUILD a freakin hat, 3. and it involves art supplies which she is grounded from for being absurd with Glitter. And what am I going to do with my crazy hat I bought? I'm not returning a $2 hat I bought, It's not even hat season here. Now I just have a stupid, ugly, crazy hat that nobody can wear cluttering their bedroom. And I get to break it to her that she can't wear the hat I bought! Along with making elephant ears.

Do they realize my weekend is only 2 days? Do they realize that -maybe- we had plans besides staying home all weekend to do homework and craft stupid crap!? Or perhaps I wanted to spend time with my husband who is working 0430-6pm everyday? or that my kids maybe wanted to go to the park or something with their dad they only see for an hour a day. I'm sorry, but glitter and glue is not my idea of a good time. It's messy and sticky. I want to like it but I just don't. I'd rather have hives.

I'm too pregnant to deal with this crap! I have half a mind to send her in the Target hat and tell them I made it. Take that school!

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