One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vinegar...My new best friend

I have discovered the wonders of Vinegar. Ya, ya, ya, I always knew about it, but only recently did I realize the wonders it can do for my home.
I have hardwood and tile floors throughout the house. I use Murphy's Oil Soap on the wood floors because they are old *Think 1950's, luckily they still look great* and need all the pampering they can get, but I hadn't quite found my niche with the tile floors, especially our den. It seemed that no matter what I used on it, it was always slightly sticky, not good in my world, until now, Hello Vinegar! I take a stockpot and boil water *yes, time consuming but the outcome is worth it* then dump it in my sink and add a few 'glugs' :-) of vinegar. O..M..G...My den floors look better than they ever have and no more sticky either! The den is also where the doggie beds are so I am paranoid of it smelling like dog. It makes it smell so fresh and clean down there afterwards, It does my OCD good :) hehe It's also not harmful to the animals, like some cleaners can be. Sure, theres a bit of a vinegar smell until it dries, but its not too bad.
Another trick is to put vinegar in your clothes softener department in your washer. It helps get all the odors out of the clothes. I wash all my sheets, towels, rugs and dog bedding that way. It helps them smell so fresh and clean. Like the day I bought them.

If anyone knows any more good Vinegar tricks lemme know :)

Happy Cleaning!!


Ashley said...

I love vinegar! Ive been using it in my washer since 2005. Ive seen a book (similar to a recipe book) but its all about vinegar and the different things you can use it for.

Laura Cashion said...

I just started using vinegar for cleaning too. So far I have only mopped my floors with but I have of thing lined up for it.

saramedic said...