One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

my lil bit of OCD

Alright. I admit it. I have a bit of OCD. I'm trying to come to terms with it, Ive fought it for years but I just can't fight it anymore.
We have wood/tile floors throughout our whole house, which I love, but that is also the thorn in my side. I cannot stand to feel any piece of anything under my feet, and I don't wear shoes, I hate shoes, they make my feet cramped, so inside the house I never ever have shoes on, so that means I can feel -everything- and I swear, I want to pull my hair out! Its especially bad when I have just swept and somehow something doesn't get swept up and I step on it, OMG, I swear, it makes me so crazy I can feel myself turning grey! lol
With 2 kids, 2 dogs, plus a husband I am sweeping at least twice a day.
Another one of my OCD issues is my kitchen counters. I cannot stand to have my kitchen counters cluttered. Stuff on them is okay as long as its sitting nicely, dishes are even okay, my sink piled with dishes is okay, just so long as my counters aren't cluttered with stuff. Stuff that isn't kitchen stuff.
Unfinished projects is another. Right now I have a window in my diningroom thats 1/2 grey 1/2 white and we are repainting all the trim white, and we ran out of paint 2 weeks ago and have been so busy we haven't finished it. That window is driving me BONKERS. Luckily I'm not looking at it much so it doesn't bother me as bad, that I've put it in writing...Im gonna have to find -something- to cover it with so I dont have to look it anymore lol
If something is bugging me internally, and I vocalize it, I'm -going- to have to find a way to fix it or else it will bug me to no end.
so yes, I can keep my OCD in long as I don't say anything out loud! lol

so...on that note.. Laundry is calling and I gotta start lunch for the princesses!

much love *MUAH*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ummmm I believe I know where you get it :)