One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Blue Ribbon Bliss

I'm not athletic. I'm not 'miss sporty chick' I'm the one who, in P.E, when it was scooter week (ya know that square piece of wood with the 4 wheels attached to the bottom), I was the one runnin over people's fingers with my scooter or the one going sideways on the stupid things when everyone else was going straight because I could't figure out how to go straight for some reason. For some reason my scooter always seemed to veer towards the opposite side of the gym I was supposed to go. They are possessed, really! Or when it was rope climbing week; I was the one hanging 2 inches from the bottom of the rope bc I lacked any upper body strength so there I would hang until the teacher felt pity on me and told me I could get down or I burst into tears, whichever happened first. Those who went to school with me can attest to this. It's not like I was "chunky mcbutter pants" either so I don't know what my problem was. I sucked! yup, that was me. I'm not really sure how I passed any phys. classes...pity perhaps? Hence why it comes as a surprise to some people that I LOVE running, Sprinting specifically, I have no patience for any sort of long term running.
During our 6th or 7th, I'm not sure, track day I won my team a blue ribbon in our relay. MUAH! I was on a team with my 'boy toy' at the time, (Not really boyfriend but..boy toy..kinda thing..ya know how it is in 6th and 7th grade) and..well, I don't remember who else. Probably 2 other equally unathletic people. I was the last person to complete our relay 'circle' (See, I don't even know the correct terms) We were WAY behind the other teams and I had to make up the difference and keep us from being totally shamed so the baton was thrust into my hand and I took off, I was the last lap in the 'circle of unathleticness'. I ran with everything I had, everything in me, it was up to me, Could the under dogs win........ oh and win we did! I completed that last lap and won us the blue ribbon...the blue...freakin... RIBBON! My team was ecstatic! Claps on the back, "WAY TO GO's" "YOU DID IT!" "Mr. boy toy" said something to the effect of "OH MY GOSH, how did you do that!?!?" Oh yes, the nerd team won. Thanks to me! VICTORY! My one and only blue ribbon. I was SO PROUD of that blue ribbon..heck, I still am!
Since then I've loved running. Every time I run I get an amazing high. Every time I feel exactly the same way I did the day of that race. I am the hero! All my stress melts away, I came, I ran, I conquered!
I don't succeed in a lot of things in my daily life. The kids don't like dinner, I didn't get the princess dress washed quickly enough, I forgot to do the dishes and now there's no sippy cups, there's not enough time everyday to be mom and dad and do it how I'd want, I get grumpy and lose my temper, I get exausted and don't wanna play 'princess', the list goes on. Being at stay at home mom and being a single parent at the moment leaves room for lots of failures, daily. Those who are living this life with me know it. I'm only 1 person and I can only spread myself so thin. The ball will drop on -something- daily. -Something- will suffer. But when I run I'm the hero, I win, I'm a superstar, I am victorious. It's my one thing that I succeed at EVERY time. Everyone needs that one thing they succeed in whether it's finding awesome sales, running, sewing, painting...whatever it is for you make time for that as often as you can.

Now...Everybody grab hands and since with me "WEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONSSSSS!!"

Happy Saturday!

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