One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Tomorrow is Mothers Day and moms everywhere deserve this day..Heck, they deserve "Mothers Week" especially us moms who do it 24/7/365. Those who aren't moms really don't understand the full magnitude of what moms do. Now that I'm a mom I appreciate my mom SOOOO much more. Sleepless nights, pain in places there shouldn't be, aches, sick kids, cranky fighting kids, the list goes on and on. Moms rock!
In fact, sharing custody with someone is starting to sound very appealing because at least I would get a break one weekend a least. Anyone wanna pay me child support and take my kids for a weekend once a month? haha
So far this Mothers Day I've gotten myself a new tattoo, which was honestly the most relaxing, fun afternoon I've had in a long time and I bought myself a half dozen gourmet chocolate covered strawberries. I love chocolate covered strawberries..I really really do...mmmmm One of my favorite deserts next to Chocolate cake, of course. mmmm (Sorry, got sidetracked) My babysitter, bless her heart, had the kids make me finger paint pictures which I LOVED. point is that I want one thing..ONE..for Mothers day. To get in bed and not have to get out of bed until at -least- 7am. 8am would be amazing but that's some pretty high hopes because I don't recall a time I've had my kids and slept until 8am. No Kidding, last night I was up 6 times between the hours of 10pm and 630am. One had to pee, another had a dream, another needed water, more water, the other water, one just didn't wanna sleep anymore...and I only have 2 kids....granted last night was a little extreme but you get the jist. And please, let's not go into the whole "put them to bed later" thing...okay? That doesn't work with my kids. Later bedtime equals kids up at the same time AND extra cranky. So let's just not go there. okay? Thanks!

Honestly, I'm not all that excited about Mothers Day tomorrow (bad mom! bad!) Different day....Same story... I just hope I can get through tomorrow without crying. Perhaps since I wrote this blog my kids will sleep in tomorrow.......

Dearest Children,
If you let mommy sleep ALL NIGHT tonight and sleep in until AT LEAST 7am (8 or 9 would work beautifully also) We will have pancakes with chocolate syrup for breakfast and chicken nuggets for lunch..and icecream :-D
Love, Mommy

To all those moms out there. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!! We ROCK! and we TOTALLY deserve this day! Even if our families don't get what all we do, us fellow moms DO understand. Happy Mommies Day! Wouldn't trade being a mommy for the WORLD!


Ashley said...

Everyone always asks why I put my kids to bed so early and I tell them no matter the time I put them down they get up at the same time each morning. I want some ME time!!! Hope your girls sleep in just a little for ya and Happy Mothers Day!

My Life as an Army Wife said...

Yup! I totally agree! Mine are the same way, If they are going to get up so early I might as well get a little Me time in during the evening!!
Happy Mothers Day to you too!!

Tim and Cynthia Jones said...

YOU ROCK!! Beautiful, amazing...super Mom!!!