One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I'm kinda addicted to a blog (and it's not my own) You should check it out: It's a pretty amazing blog. He just came out with his first book and is so graciously posting a chapter a day on his blog. Go get his book! If you're a dad, thinking of being a dad or have a dad, go get it. PS: It is almost Fathers day! I read the first chapter today and it got me to thinking about something I see so often. (Getting up on soapbox)

Ladies and you not realize how you act directly shapes who your child will be one day? How you act towards your spouse will directly show you what kind of husband/wife/mom/dad your child will be one day. Your children see this. I'm not saying I'm perfect, I'm not saying my marriage is perfect. Every marriage has problems and if you don't haven't been married long enough. lol (Big problems..not like 'who loves who more'..bc that annoys us ol married folk)
Men... If you yell at your wife, hit her, say rude things to her, sit on the couch while your wife is chasing 3 kids, cooking dinner, breaking up fights and paying the bills (at the same time), acting unloving towards your wife, go out all night long, that 'teaches' your child how a husband is to act. Children look up to you and watch you. If that's what they see, that's what they think is acceptable to accept from a spouse or an acceptable way to act towards their spouse. If you have a daughter she will think that this is 'man' and that's what she'll look for in a mate.

Ladies, If we're cold and distant to our men all the time, unloving, talk badly about them alll the time, emasculate them, don't respect them, ect our children learn that that is how a woman treats a man.. When we do all those little things we know we do towards our mate that aren't exactly loving, kind, generous think 'am I acting like I would want my child to act towards their mate, would I want my son/daughter to marry someone who acted like this'

Personally, I wouldn't want my daughter to marry a man that hit her or talked badly to her or wasn't kind or didn't help her around the house/kids, so I don't accept that in my own life. Nor would I want my daughter to act disrespectful or emasculating towards her husband, so I don't act that way.

It's easy to act kind, loving, ect the first few years of your marriage...lovey dovey, blah blah ya ya ya :-) but once you get to 5,6,10,15's not always as easy..add in kids, a mortagage, bills,'s never too late to change though

Think about it....


Stacee Hord said...

Great thoughts, dear! I wholeheartedly believe that children are always watching. It's so great that you see that now when your children are young instead of waiting until you're kids are grown and out of the house when you realize it.

Tim and Cynthia Jones said...

Preach it, sista!