One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Birth control

So I thought I would provide a little birth control for those out there thinking of having kids and are undecided :-) Please enjoy:

So what did you do today:

Got woken up at 430 by a kid who didn't want to sleep. After some bribery and milk she stayed in bed until 630.

Both darling dumplings woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 0630 (Very not normal for my
lil sleepers magoo) and proceeded to chase each other around the house screaming "get the scary monster" as I sat on the couch and tried to remember what day it was. ( Wednesday..right?)

Gave both darlings breakfast

Both darlings didn't enjoy breakfast

made darlings a 2nd breakfast

Broke up a cat fight..there was screaming, hair pulling, hitting (psst..I don't have cats)

Tried to convince the oldest that hitting her sister on the knee with a hammer "to check it" wasn't an appropriate activity.

Chased down littlest dumpling who had ripped off her diaper after pooping

disciplined other child for playing in Desitin

(Please note that the last 3 things were done while I was trying to get dressed after my shower)

Throughly cleaned out fridge and washed down all shelves/drawers

Chased poopy butt kid

fed kids which they didn't enjoy bc they said it wasn't 'lunch food' so they didn't eat (apparently hot dogs are the only 'lunch food')

put dinner in the crockpot

Chased poopy butt kid...again.. (We're in a ripping off diaper phase)

Did 2 loads of laundry

Finally..NAP TIME! (please don't be mistaken..nap time for the kids..not me)

And here it is only 130pm! There's still so much more day left to experience! How exciting

I need a nap.......but unfortunately that won't happen bc eldest dumpling isn't napping today apparently.

I'm thinking a full time job would make me less tired..... at least I wouldn't be chasing poopy butt people, unless it's an old folks home but I couldn't work at an old folks home so I really don't think poopy butts would be a problem.

(see..this is why I don't write this stuff out normally..makes me wanna cry just a bit)

1 comment:

drnowlan said...

hahahaHA! I so feel your pain! love ya girl, Sara