One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reasons Why I'm a Blonde

1. I made my nice summer patriotic wreath and put it on the front door. Our front door has a 1/2 circle window near the top. The top half of the wreath can be seen through that window (from inside)........ Every night..multiple times a night... I scare myself thinking that the wreath is a persons head looking in the window. ('s true) Thankfully I haven't called the Police yet saying "someone is looking in my window..oh..never's my wreath"

2. I've ran into the door numerous times in the past few days. My issue is I only open the door 1/2 way before my brain says "walk" so I obey..but apparently my brain is wrong and I end up running into the door... it sucks...and is embarrassing.

3. I was getting frustrated with my child bc she wouldn't get her shoes on and she kept interrupting my 'speech' I was giving her......... I was holding her shoes. she was trying to tell me that....... *sigh*

4. I really really want to get my nose pierced but I wonder what happens if I got a really bad cold, runny nose sorta sickness. ... I won't elaborate..ya'll can probably figure out what I'm goin towards here.... That's really the only thing holding me back.. Im serious..ya..I know. That and I am scared they'll slip and pierce my nose all the way through the other side. (Im a dork..I realize this.. I've had piercings before..I shouldn't have these issues)

I think I need supervision..........

1 comment:

Kristie Anderson said...

I have wanted my nose pierced for years and finally did it a couple of months ago... a month ago I had had enough and took it out. 2 reasons...

1. The original jewelry they put in is kinda like a corkscrew thing and you CONSTINATLY have to adjust it or you can see it from your nostril... so you either have metal sticking out of your nose or it looks like your picking your nose 24/7

2. So to get rid of problem #1, I changed the type of jewlery to the striaght one with a little "ball" on the end. SO much more comfortable but.... when I sneeze and grab my nose to cover it from everyone getting sprayed with my bodily fluids, I would stab the inside of my nose and it would start bleeding. So, after learning not to grab my nose, I wake up in the middle of the night with blood running down my face. Apparently I hit it in my sleep or something. Since the tissue on the inside of your nose is so sensitive it bleeds VERY easily... needless to say I realized that even though I loved it and it was super cute I dont have the paitence to deal with bloody noses every time I turn around... I have a 2 year old lol I have plenty of boo boos to handle.

You may have better luck than me though ;)