One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Challenging Myself

I am giving myself a new challenge (as if I didn't have enough challenges in life) I want to do something I wouldn't normally do because when one does something they wouldn't normally do and they succeed at it there's an amazing sense of accomplishment and happiness and, hey, it's an awesome feeling. I want to better myself. Expand my mind. Expand my repertoire.
So here's my first challenge to myself: To read a book I wouldn't normally read and watch a movie I wouldn't normally watch.

When I read books I tend to read the same type of books or books by the same Author so I'm going to search out a book I wouldn't normally read and read it.

When I watch movies I usually only watch Comedy, some romantic and very few action movies (well, unless they have Will Smith in it then I'm all over that) hehe So I'm going to watch a movie I wouldn't normally watch.

I don't like watching or reading things that are out of my norm because if I do that I may not enjoy it and if I didn't enjoy it then it was a waste of my time and I hate wasting my time.

I'll blog after I've done both nd let you know what I read and watched and how it turned out. Any and all suggestions are welcome :-)


Stacee Hord said...

Oooh I like it! Good idea. It's easy to be in the same routine doing the same ole' things time and time again. It's nice to change things up a bit. =)

Josh said...

Any of the Legend of Drizzt books!

My Life as an Army Wife said...

I'm sorry but I cannot read the Legend of Drizzt books. I would have to poke my eye out with a spoon! lol
I did find my "challenge book" though and have started reading it and I think I may enjoy it.