One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Natives are Restless

Here it is, 4:30pm, and I'm sitting here thinking the same thing I'm always thinking everyday at 4:30pm. I HATE this time of the day! I HATE IT! With such passion! I'm worn out, I'm usually slightly cranky, I'm ready for some sort of help, the kids are cranky and starting to whine about dinner, there are toys everywhere that nobody wants to clean up and there's the nightly threaten, plead, holler pick up your toys NOW routine. Nothing makes my blood boil more than telling someone to do something more than twice, let alone 50 times. I may throw every toy in the trash because the only time they 'play' with them is to dump every toy bin into one big pile. And on top of all that I have to start figuring out what to cook for dinner.

This nightly torture routine just about brings me to tears...nightly..and I'm not even joking. I'm not one to burst into tears's about on my last nerve.

I'll holler nicely ask them to pick up their toys 1 million times, cook something that nobody likes and proceeds to smear, dig in, or paint with, then I have to clean up a dinner that nobody ate along with a mess that everybody made and then it's bath, bed, plead with kids to go to sleep and pray they go to sleep quickly. And I swear to you, it's not even like I let my kids run wild.. I don't! They gang up on me! I am very strict with my kids, anyone that knows me well, knows this. I do -not- let them run wild, And anyone who has more than 1 kid who are over the age of 2 knows this. One causes a distraction while the other causes chaos then while you clean up chaos and get onto the 2nd child the first causes chaos. Never..ending..freaking..chaos. In am one tired, worn out, person. And no matter how much I try I've just begun to think that if I want to keep my sanity, this is not a battle I can win at the moment.

I also have what I lovingy call as a 'cling on' a child that no matter when, no matter who is here to entertain, no..matter..what.. the moment I step food in the kitchen to cook a meal she attachs herself to my leg..literally, been that way since she was born.

I automatically know when it hits 4:30 or 5 pm because my head automatically starts pounding in migraine fashion. This time of day stresses me out so bad I literally feel sick. This is crazy! I deal with stress very well..and yet I wanna run away from 4:30-8p.m nightly. run far...far...away...

I never thought I'd say this but I Long for the days when I had just one baby..oh how EASY! Even a 15 month old and a newborn was easier than this. (Might I add that when I had a 15 month old and a newborn I was single parenting it also) SOOO much easier. Such fond days those were. Babies are lovely, lovely, lovely, until they get to 2 1/2 and they can pick on their sister.

If anyone would like to give up their spouse for an evening I am more than willing to accept them! ok..heck, it can even be a single person who wants a little spice added to their late afternoon timeframe... right over here! Be here at 4pm.. Thanks!


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