One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Top 10 Signs that you need a vacation:

1. You lose your wallet..gone..vanished..pretty sure it's still in the house but where is beyond me because I've cleaned and searched the house 50 billion times.. thankfully I have my debit card and I got a new drivers license but my CC, military ID, ins. cards, everything..poof. gone.

2. You look around franically trying to find the Ipad...You convince yourself someone broke in during the night and stole it. ... 10 minutes through your rant you realize it's on the table......because you were using it 15 minutes ago...

3. You totally forget you have 2 legs to shave while in the shower. You don't realize you didn't shave second leg until you are dressed and putting on lotion... annoying.

4. When your "something green on the plate always" rule at dinner slides into "do Green M&M's count?"

5. You sit there praying that Extreme Home Makeover knocks on your door because that'll kill 2 birds with 1 stone... house fixed up, vacation

6. You take both kids, alone, in PJ's, to the store at 8pm to buy another pack of pacis bc you don't have the energy to find lost paci nor deal with crying child all night long.

7. You allow your child to wear her princess ballerina outfit more than she probably include naps and bedtime. (at least if she wears it to bed I don't have to try to put it on her at 7am when I'm already grumpy to begin with)

8. You hide from your children. (no judging..every mother has done this! If you havent, well, I don't like don't count)

9. Your last real vacation was over 2 years ago (that in and of itself is a big sign that you need a vacay)

10: You find yourself crying because the kids on the show you were watching were having a birthday...........

That's it folks, there ya go. All those wanting to donate to the "Erica needs a vacay" fund...tip jars by the front door as you exit to the left!

*takeing a bow*

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