One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What Can We Give This Year

Thankfulness...this year it's becoming real to me; its been on my heart a lot. I am trying to show and teach my kids how to give and truly being thankful for what they have. We are so so blessed in this country. We have so much and appreciate so little. We always want more and more stuff, but in the end what is it besides just stuff.

Today big girl asked me about her Christmas presents because we had went to the store and made a registry for the girls' Christmas gifts and I asked her what about the little boys and girls who dont have anything? Her response was "well, we can go get them some. We will just go to Target and get them some new toys after we sleep". My mommy heart was beaming!

I want to teach my girls that it's better to give rather than receive. To be kind and generous.

It's November, the month of thanks. I challenge everyone to do something you wouldn't normally do to give to someone who is less fortunate than yourself. Money is tight for us this year but even so we will be buying toys for the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico and we will be a part of giving food and clothes to those less fortunate in El Paso.

This holiday season let's make it about what we can give, rather than what we can receive.

1 comment:

Stacee Hord said...

Wow, that's great that you're buying gifts for the Tarahumara Indians. What a blessing! Corey and I do the Operation Christmas Child thing every year and I can't wait to have kids old enough to help pick out the toys. I know it'll help to teach them to have giving hearts.

It's so great that you're teaching your kids that stuff early, since today's culture seems to not value giving anymore. You're a rockin' mommy!