One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Dates Of My Babies

I don't know if it's normal or not but I remember the very day that I took my pregnancy tests and found out they were positive..with all 3 of my kids. Dates don't normally stick in my brain like that but these dates definatly have.

With my oldest, it was New Years Eve.. We were about to go to a New years eve party and I wanted to see if I was pregnant so I could know whether I could have a glass of champagne that night. No Champagne for me! :-)

My 2nd - I found out I was pregnant on my grandma's Birthday, who has been in Heaven for 8 years now. We weren't even trying to get pregnant so the fact that I thought "Hm, I think I'm going to take a pregnancy test" was out of the ordinary. I didn't even have any signs or symptoms of pregnancy but for some weird reason I felt the overwhelming desire to take a test and I just happened to have one at home from #1. And what do ya know, #2 is here now. I like to think it was a little gift from my grandma.

And lastly... LT, I actually 'knew' I was pregnant a week before the tests were even showing positive. I took a couple and they were negative but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was pregnant. I even told one of my good friends that I thought I was pregnant days before. I just, knew, deep down. I took that test 2 days after my oldests 4th birthday! A belated birthday present to her.

Holidays are hard for me. I miss my grandma terribly. I hate the fact that she never got to meet my babies. I tell myself that God let her snuggle and hold each of my babies for a bit before He put them in my tummy. Maybe I'm wrong, but whatever. It's what I tell myself to make it 'okay' and not wallow in sadness.

So there you have it.. Am I weird? Am I the only one that remembers such dates vividly.

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