One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday's Terrific 10

1. I'm way behind on my 'thankfulness' .. Thanks to my mini vacay (no pun intended. ha)

2. We're going to the Circus this weekend. I ..can't.. WAIT!

3. I'm so excited to take the girls. It'll be their first time.

4. Hubs and I watched Stupid, Crazy, Love last night. It was really good. I really enjoyed it. It was a good movie for those who have been married awhile to watch.

5. I got my bedroom cleaned today. I'm really proud of myself

6. Santa Fe was COLLLDDD. It snowed. My toes are just now thawing.

7. Big girl had a major barfing, fever sort of issue while in Santa Fe. It, of course, happened when hubs and I were out on a date night. Next mornign she was perfectly fine though. No clue what bug got her.

8. Baby Lisa Irwin's mom..She knows more than she's saying about her babies disapearance. Whether she did it or had something to do with it or whatever,she knows SOMETHING. A mom who knows nothing about her child being missing does EVERYTHING in her power to find that baby. If my baby were missing you could hook me up to whatever polygraph you wanted, ask me any questions you wanted, you'd have to lock me out of the Police station. People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing.

9. Little girl was SO cranky today. Drove.. me...NUTZO

10. 1 minute until bedtime.. WOOHOO

1 comment:

Stacee Hord said...

I LOVED Crazy, Stupid, Love! One of the best I saw this year. =)

Glad you get to take the girls to the circus! How very fun! And hearing "Texas" and "snow" together seems strange to me.