One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Whole 30.. Day 1

Here we go.  Getting ready to start Whole 30.  I'm fearfully excited.   4 1/2 years ago I made huge changes to my diet and exercise level and ending up losing 50 pounds. I looked better than I ever have before.. Looking back though, I wasn't eating healthy. I changed how I ate, I changed the quantity, but I wasn't eating healthy. I drank an insane amount of sodas and energy drinks and I took supplements. Sure, I was skinny, but I wasn't terribly healthy.  Doing Whole 30 will be the most daring thing I've done.  Cutting out all junk and processed foods.  Over the past year we've cut down on processed foods considerably.  We don't eat boxed foods, I've cut my soda intake down from 1-2 a day to once a week yet I still don't feel healthy.  I'm a busy mom of 3 and I have no energy.  I constantly feel sluggish, almost as if I'm in a fog.  I don't sleep well. I toss and turn all night.  My hands constantly feel swollen and unable to grip things. I tell myself it's my carpal tunnel but I'm curious to see if it's actually diet or if it's carpal tunnel. I'm curious to see if I have a food allergy/intolerance and that could be contributing to the bloated, swollen feeling that I always seem to have.

My goals for Whole 30...

* I want to have more energy.  I hate that at almost 30 I have no energy.
* I want to feel better, generally
* Losing some weight would be awesome, although not my main goal.  In my heart, I'd love to drop 10lbs
* I want to stop feeling so bloated and swollen

Day 1: 

 I decided to take a before picture... not going to post it until after the 30 days but I took one.
I survived Whole 30 coffee...although I already screwed up the program before I even drank my coffee... I thought it would be a lovely addition to add some vanilla extract.   Ya..vanilla extract is a no no.   I did add coconut cream and cinnamon.  It was actually pretty good. Like, I'd drink another cup. I can survive on that I think.
Second hitch.... My avocados weren't ready to eat. I somehow went to the store and decided buying only green ones would be great.... So I had to improvise... We ended up with spinach/mushroom egg scramble, 1/2 a banana, a handful of blueberries, and a Tbl almond butter.   I don't like blueberries..never have.  Actually I don't even care for bananas... But I ate them all.  Gotta put on my big girl panties and eat adult food.   I survived.   And I feel pleasantly full. yay!

I let myself get too hungry before I had lunch.. it was all I could do to not put that cheese puff in my mouth as I was making the Kids' lunch.  I've never wanted a cheese puff so bad in my life.    Lunch was less than satisfying.  Lunch meat, celery, carrots, and blueberries.  Josh made a olive oil/herb dipping sauce which was pretty good.     Snack: Apple and almond butter.   I really like almond butter.

Dinner was a HUGE hit.  I made Italian sausage, peppers, and zucchini all sauteed together.  Super delicious and really filled me up.

Im not quite sure how to portion my food yet as I'm finding I get hungry between meals and in the evening still.. maybe my body will adjust to that as time goes on.  

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