One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Days 23-26

Things are going pretty well.

I did have a major slip up but I'm not beating myself up.. I'm a grown adult and I made a conscience decision knowing full well what I was doing and honestly, I don't regret it.  Not. One. Bit.   I was 24 days into Whole 30.  My cheat came after a 4 hour trip in the ER... sound barrier screaming from a 6 year old... an extremely rude nurse.. knives... shots... a meth head... a criminal.. and an ER that screwed up a prescription.    Wow.. I made that sound totally more dramatic than it was.   Our middle daughter got bitten by a tick about 6 weeks ago and on Sunday she was complaining of leg pain and showed me where the tick bit her.  That bite was so incredibly infected and I wouldn't have been able to get her to the dr until 24 hours later so made the decision to take her to the ER.. Shes just fine now but it was quite a dramatic experience and we both left in tears.  My nerves were absolutely shot.  I had to hold her as they treated her and she screamed directly in my face in such a decibel I have never heard before.. It was an ear shattering 5 minutes of screaming.  Poor girl!   Anywho..we left there and then had drama with the pharmacy.. and when we got home I once again burst into tears..My whole body was shaking from nerves.  Mind you during all this I had a bed ridden husband and 2 other kids to make sure were taken care of.  My nerves were so incredibly shot and I made the decision to have a hard cider after the kids were in bed.  Yup. I did.  No regret.

Food wise things are going great. I have been trying to think of what my first food will be after whole 30 and honestly I can't think of anything I am dying for.  I am not having any huge cravings for anything.  We are less than a week until we are done and I don't want it to end.   I don't miss eating grains, sugars, etc.   I'm enjoying how I feel and how my clothes fit.  I'm enjoying how I look in them.

Last night we had spaghetti squash, homemade sauce, and turkey meatballs.  Probably, by far, my favorite Whole 30 meal.  I don't miss spaghetti at all!  And I've always said I should have been born into an Italian family.  I could eat pasta and garlic bread and sauce all day long.   It's the stuff I dream of at night.  After the last 26 days the carbs have no hold on me anymore.  Sure, they are good..but I don't desire them.    I love the fact that I can eat a huge plate of food and leave the table and not feel bloated or overly full in the least.  We all know the "Thanksgiving feeling"   I felt that more often than I'd like to share..and not just at Thanksgiving.... I leave the table with zero stomach pain, zero bloat, zero "I need unbutton my pants" feeling.  I leave content, happy, and pleasantly full.

It's becoming natural for me to cook Whole 30 foods.    One thing I am not used to is salads.  *gag*  I've never been a huge salad person and Whole 30 hasn't changed that.  I am just not a fan of salads. I'd rather get my veggies other ways.

Overall, thus far........... Best thing I've ever done for me.  It was overwhelming and scary at first but I'm so glad I embarked on this journey

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