One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tuesday's 10: Things That Might Make Hubs Leave Me

I've fallen off the blogging wagon..more or less because I am 15 months pregnant. So in honor of today's Tuesday 10 I give you:

10 Things That Might Make Hubs Leave Me Before I Have This Child:

1. I've become bossy. More bossy than usual. I'm having more and more emotional breakdowns, usually about how things aren't ready or perfectly planned,or the oven isn't clean enough and I'm saying the phrase "Make it happen!" more and more often. Along with the phrase "I don't care! Figure it out!!" God Bless that man!

2. I'm averaging 3lbs of strawberries a week. Unfortunatly for Hubs I saw in the Albertsons flyer that this week they have 3lbs of strawberries for $3.99.. Limit is 2.. He'll be going and buying 2... most likely every other day. He's told me I have to stop or else he'll have to take out a loan.

3. I commonly refer to myself as a Narwhal and to take me outside and toss cool dirt on me to cool me down, like they do to the stranded whales.

4. I'm having a major nesting issue. Hubs is always looking for his boots or a power cord or some other piece of something that I have "put away" and don't remember where I put them because I have preggo brain.

5. I've threatened to get him schnackered and give him a home "man surgery" if he doesn't stop knocking me up.

6. Mornings don't work out well for me. I'm not my normal, beautiful, shining, vibrant self. I'm more along the lines of serial killer. I've heard the phrase uttered "Kids..don't even look at your mom..don't talk to her, just leave..her..alone" I'm thinking that all the 'breakfast in bed' I've been getting are not because he's being sweet.. I think he's more or less protecting himself and the kids from me until I have food in my system.

7. I can only sleep in a certain position...which means Hubs is confined to a certain position.. I'm not sure if it's a comfortable position or not for him........ I feel a little bit bad about that.

8. My normal outfit at home is his huge long sleeve Winter PT shirt. It's huge on him and he's 6ft, 230lbs... It's really not attractive on me. I also sport a pair of his PT shorts... which look like I'm wearing a parachute.

9. During the first few months of this pregnancy his smell offended me. His normal bodily smell made me wanna hurl. (that's eased up a bit, though)

10. He's not allowed to talk about women who aren't pregnant. They are skinny, happy, perky, and in good moods. I consider all threats. He gets an earful when his soldiers (who are females and aren't pregnant) ask me "are you ready to have that baby yet" I tell him he better smoke them... Im not sure if he actually does..ok, he probably doesn't. I don't *really* hate females.. I'm just 900lbs and 15 months pregnant.

Dear Hubs.. If you are reading this.. I love you. Please don't leave me. I will be normal again in a month or so. I promise. It's all your sons fault. He's doing this to me. You're incredible and haven't left me yet..except for the other night when you left..but you brought back icecream so you're forgiven. I love you! hehehehe :-D

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