One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, April 13, 2012

Nut Up The Nose

As a child I stuck many a thing up my nose..Really. I did. I remember peas, least. A raisin or two. I don't really know what my fasination with jamming things up my nose was but I heard the stories of how my mother retireved such items many times.

As a mother I've been waiting for the first "up the nose" experience. Wondering what it would be. Big girl, at the age of 4 1/2, has never stuck anything up her nose, that I know of, and if she did it's still up there. And little girl, at 3, hadn't either. I just figured it would be my son who would christen the "up the nose" experience. ............. Until today.

We got home from my dr appointment and Hubs gave the girls some trailmix and all the sudden little girl starts crying and screaming. Hubs and I look over and ask whats wrong and Big girl informs us "non put a nut up her nose" I, being the good mother that I am, sat there and watched Hubs try to get big girl to blow it out of her nose into a tissue, as I chuckled silently about the phrase "nut up the nose" I sat and watched thinking "that's not gonna work. That's not how to you get things out of noses" In my infinate mother wisdom I pry my behind off the couch and go get my tweezers to fix this situation before it esclates into full on drama.

I grab little girls head, tell her to hold still and promptly pull the nut out of her nose and exclaim "Good grief child! How'd that fit up your nose" (it was a big nut) She's sobbing, I'm chuckling still (Probably not the best thing to do in that situation but whatever).. I calm her down and try to explain that we don't put -anything- up our noses, especially nuts.

Then big girl pipes up "Non put TWO Nuts up her nose" ...... Are ya CRAPPIN' me kid?!?!?! So I examine her nose thinking theres no way another nut could fit up there and I hear "Juuuust kidding" ........ I stopped giggling at that point.

I've officially been christened as a mother.. Foreign object up the nose.

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