One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to get a man to do what you want:

I'll be the first to admit, it's been a hard month. One month ago today my husband got on that nasty plane to go back to that nasty sandland and I got hit with the nasty Post R&R Funk! I really didn't expect it to hit me as hard as it did..ok..I didn't expect it at all. But boy oh boy did I get it. Slowly I'm starting to feel like myself again, within the past week I'm starting to feel like normal again. I was really wondering what my deal was there for awhile, I thought 3 deployments had finally pushed me over the edge lol.
It was a really rough month. I was super lonely, (and I'm not one to get lonely very often) I was sad, I was grumpy, my eating was horrid, ect ect.
I do have to say though, I was spoiled ROTTEN on R&R and that didn't help me much. haha My husband, bless his heart, is just about fabulous. I honestly don't know if any other guy could treat me as good as he does. I got to sleep in, I got naps, I got pampered, I got cooked for. My husband is of the mindset that when he comes home its MY break. He told me before he came home that he didn't want to be pampered. He told me that he gets to sleep in whenever he has a day off *which isnt often but, more often than when I have a day of, ha* he gets to sleep all night and besides work he can do whatever he wants and he's just happy to be home with us and wants me to relax because I deserve a break. (yes, his words...i KNOOOWWWWW. Isn't he fabulous) So, I got royally spoiled and it did not help out in the Post R&R Funk area.
Now before wives start hittin me with tomatoes for being all braggy braggy..We weren't always like this! We've gone through some rough patches in the last 6 years. There were some times where I didn't know if we'd make it. In that dark spot, one man changed our marriage.......Mr. Mark Gungor. If you haven't seen/heard of him, google, youtube, whatever you have to do to find him! He is an AMAZING teacher and he knows his stuff. Even if you aren't into the whole preacher/religious stuff, thats okay, it's not preaching..just youtube him and you'll see what I mean. He's hilarious, enjoyable to watch and just plain fabulous!
We were first introduced to him when we went on a marriage retreat through the Army, we figured 'what could it hurt'..we might actually learn something, free hotel for the weekend, time away from the kids..what's to lose?
They played his DVD series and it was the most fun, most enlightening, most wonderful time. And it literally changed my marriage.
I learned about my husband and the way he thought, how his mind worked and he learned about me and how my mind worked and everything he said was TRUE! My husband and I have applied it and we are now happier than we've ever been.
Heres a few Mark Gungor Gems:
Starting at about Minute 5 is something I think most men do..not..UNDERSTAND..when it comes to women. (The whole video is awesome too) It's one of my favorite Mark Gungor pieces.

And for the ladies out there: How to get a man to do what you want him to do:

His book "Laugh your way to a better marriage" is amazing! We've read it at least twice together. I highly suggest you get his book or DVD's bc you really have nothing to lose.

So if you're on Facebook, check his pg out, he has awesome blogs, insights and his radio show on, everyday.


Stacee Hord said...

LOL... The "how to get a man to do what you want him to do" is hilarious... and so true!!

Unknown said...

This is awesome! So glad Laugh Your Way and Mark's materials have had such a positive impact on your marriage! Bless you guys and your service to our country!
Diane Brierley :-)

My Life as an Army Wife said...

Thank you for reading! :)