One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Friday, January 7, 2011


This article was posted on Facebook by my cousin Stacee...kinda long, but worth the read!

This exact thing has been on my heart this new year. How lucky/blessed, whatever you want to call it, we are...How lucky/blessed I am. With everything going on in my life right now it'd be easy to complain but this year one of my goals is to not forget just how good I have it. I am a "the glass is 1/2 empty" kind of person and I don't want to be anymore.
I've been reading the books Last Light and am currently on Night Light by Terri Blackstock, also very good reads, its a 3 book series, and it's also brought to my attention how well I have it, I have electricity, water, food, clothes, whereas so many people, even today, don't have that.

My life may not be perfect but nobody's is. I have 2 beautiful funny children who are healthy, I have a warm house, food, clothes, money to buy what I need/want, a good car *yes, not as fancy or big as I'd like, but it works great and meets my needs right now*, I have loving family, loving friends *granted, some may be far away but that doesn't mean our friendship suffers* I have an amazing husband who, from thousands of miles away, can still make me feel like the most loved, cared for woman ever and from thousands of miles away does whatever he can to make my life easier.
Yes, I am raising to kids on my own doing every..little..thing..and most days I am so exausted and worn out that I can barely see straight and I'm so tired of doing it all that its not even -funny- but I have my babies and I couldn't live without them and without them my life wouldn't be near as funny as it is now and I sure wouldn't be as busy as I am now which in turn helps the days to go by fast and soon my husband will be home and we'll be a family. Yes, my husband is gone and I hate it, but I have a great marriage and I'd rather have a great marriage with a husband that may not be here right now than a bad marriage with my husband here all the time *Dearest Army Gods that be, that does not mean that you need to send my husband away more, I am just tryin to look at the positives :-)*

I challenge you this year to be thankful, to realize how well you have it, to look at your blessings instead of complaining!

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