One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why We Choose Public School

There's been a lot of talk lately about public vs. Private vs. home school.  Which is better, which is worse, which will scar your children the most. When push comes to shove  we can only make the best decisions for our family.  The best decisions for our children.  I'm not saying your way is perfect. I am not saying my way is perfect.  Life ebbs and flows.  Life changes. Decisions change. People change.  Your children are not my children. Mine are not yours. Circumstances change.  Life is not black and white.  There is so much grey.

I personally had the experiences of public school and Home school.  I was in public school until I was in 9th grade then from 9-12th I was home schooled. It worked well for me.  I had the experience of public school, which I think is a great experience. Then I had the experience of home school which allowed me to study certain topics that specifically interested me, I was able to get a part time job, I was able to travel with my family and learn things that way.  I couldn't be more pleased with how things turned out.

As a family, we choose public school right now.   We choose public school from now until the unforeseen future. We do have plans to change districts at a certain time for our kids' sake.  Now, will that change; possibly.   It may.  It may not.  It's not something we are up late worrying about.  When and if the time comes we will address it at that point.    At this point in my life I am not a home school mom.  *GASP* She said it!!  I'm not.  I'm a big enough person to say that I am a BETTER mom when I have time AWAY from my kids! *GASP* I can't believe she said that!   Well, it's true! I am!   I will ALWAYS be my kids' mom. I will ALWAYS parent my kids, but I am also a better mom when I have some time to myself. To delve into my hobbies and interests. Sure one can balance those with homeschooling but for me, in my life, I don't feel that I can do that right now. My husband doesn't work a normal 9-5, weekends off job. I carry a lot of the household duties and child care duties. I don't have the luxury to go off  2-3 nights a week for "me" time.  Heck, I can't even find consistent time without children to go to the gym.  I don't even have a solid block of time daily where everyone is asleep or having 'quiet time'  I am literally mom from 6:30am until nearly 8pm. Constant mom. I need down time and school affords me that.  It's what works for us.  Now, that's not the sole reason we choose public school right now.

We choose public school because our children -are- exposed to things.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not tossing a baggie of weed to my 1st grader and saying "here try this!"  nor am I condoning it.   There are certain things I want my children to be exposed to.  Cultures/beliefs/ ideas/people and then those things are brought home and it is then my job as a parent to explain the behavior or choices and guide them to learn what is acceptable in our house and what isn't.   It's my job to teach my kids what -we- believe.  They come home and we discuss it.  We discuss what was seen/heard.  We talk about how that lines up with what we believe, and let me tell you, My oldest is only in 1st grade but she is on point. She knows behaviors that are not allowed of her, whether she is at school, the park, or home,  Words not allowed. Actions not allowed. She knows. And it's my job as a mom to reinforce that and let that grow inside of her.

We had an instance with my 6 year old where she had seen or heard something at school, can't remember which, and it was bugging her but she didn't want to tell me for fear she would be in trouble.  What an amazing learning opportunity. I got to sit down with her and talk to her and explain to her that she will never ever, ever, be in trouble for asking a question. -Any- questions are ok to ask because that is my job to be here to teach her and grow her and share experiences with her. I'm not the type of mom that says 'ohh that's bad. We don't ask questions like that"  I believe, at her age, it's all honest curiosity and if I don't address that and explain to her about it and tell her "ehhh that's not a good thing to say/do/think"  she will take it upon herself to learn.

At some point in my childs life they will have to fly.   They will have to fly away and know how to deal with people from many walks of life.  They need to be able to relate and be friends with people from many cultures and places.  The thing I love most about my husband is that he is able to be friends and understand -anyone-  He grew up in the ghettos of Tucson. He saw drug deals. He's been in the Army, in many states where he's dealt with people from every walk of life.  He's been to Afghanistan and been around the nationals.  He knows people.  I want my children to have life experiences.  I cannot keep them sheltered with me 100% of the time, if I did, then when they are older and "flying away" their wings would be weak. They wouldn't go far and they'll come back to momma.  I want them to have strong wings.  Life experiences. People experiences.  I want to raise adults.  Not big kids.    Like I said, I've been home schooled and gone to public school, my husband has been to public, private, and home schooled.  I'm not saying one is worse than the other, it's not! I have many AMAZING friends whose kids are home schooled or in Private school and they are incredible, smart, loving kids.  Joys to be around.   For me and my house, this is what works for us, though.

We choose public school because I'm not a teacher. The thought of instilling knowledge into my children terrifies me.  To be the sole channel of knowledge for my children.

We choose to go the public school route because it works for us. Plain and Simple. Isn't that what life is all about? Choosing what works for you and your family? Isn't that the beauty of America? Everybody from all different walks of life and experiences chooses routes that best work for their families.

God Bless America!

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