One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Saturday, February 8, 2014


I'm going to try to get back into this.  A wise friend of mine has said 'You never know how far your pebble will reach"  I don't know who I may reach or who I may impact with my words.   I want to be an example. I want to say "LOOK! I did this! I got through this! YOU can too, because you are STRONG"  I have amazing friends in my life who keep me going. Who spur me forward. Who are there to say "You got this!" when I feel that I don't.  I am blessed to have these strong, amazing women in my life. I -need- them.  They call me on it when I'm acting whiny. They lift me when I'm sad.  They encourage me when I'm down and they rejoice with me when I rejoice!  Everyone needs a friend they can go to when they need to hear real, honest advice..even when it may not be what they -want- to hear.  I am blessed to have amazing, strong women in my life.   I'm a strong person by habit.  Not nature. I didn't used to utilize my "strength".  I say "utilize" because I believe everybody has it inside of them to be strong butt-kicking women. You just need to awaken it!

Growing up I always had someone to "fix" things for me .I always had that person to make it better.  I never had to stand alone on my own two feet. I never had to figure it out by myself.   I'm not saying this negatively. It was fact. I am THANKFUL for always being taken care of.  Then I got married and moved 500 miles away from my family.  Yes I was with my "To be" husband but I wasn't with who I had always been with and it was a culture shock.  I was in a huge town, compared to the small 40,000 people town I grew up in, Then, 3 months later my one solid "support", my husband, left for a year.  I was alone and on my own, so to speak, everything left up to me for the first time in my life. I had to figure out how to do it all  by myself. I had to figure out how life worked. I had no clue. I had to care for a household, pay all the bills, do everything, on my own when just 5 months before I had no rent, no bills except car insurance, and I had a family to lean on.  I went through a time of huge depression. I had no clue what to do.  I had people make fun of me because I was clueless. But honestly, I had never lived alone, nobody to fall back on, ever.   I was really depressed and felt I had nobody to lean on. No support.  I had no friends. No family. No husband. No clue.

I had to suck it up and be strong. I had to find ways. I had to ask questions with the chance I would get made fun of, I had to take chances, which totally went outside my comfort zone. I am an introvert. I don't like being made fun of or feeling embarrassed.  If a person want's to alienate me the fastest then embarrass me in front of others.

You see, I'm not strong because I wanted to be. I'm strong because I -had- to be. I'm strong because it's a way of life now.  Sure, it would have been dandy to have someone make me dinner nightly and fawn over me and rub my feet in the evening, and take care of everything, but that's not what I was dealt in life.  I have it in me to be a STRONG warrior, I just had to awaken that.  YOU do too!     I wouldn't change who I am today for who I was. I know that I can survive anything. I can withstand anything. I can be anything.

You have the strength to deal with whatever is thrown your way. Find friends that uplift you and make you stronger. Ditch those that let you play "victim" too much.  You need people in your corner. In your corner does't mean that they will always agree with you, it means that even when you need to hear the hard words they follow it with "I'm here. always. You got this"   Because you do.

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