One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day mommies!!

This is a beautiful, amazing Mothers day! I have my 2 precious, beautiful, healthy children, I have my amazing, loving, caring husband home with me, and I get to spend it with BD's parents...Great day!!

I love being a mom. I love being a stay at home mom. Yes, its trying, tiring, and the hardest job ever, but I can't imagine not seeing what my babies have for lunch or knowing how their nap went or not helping them color pictures. I love being around for my babies. There's nowhere else I'd rather be!

So, YAY for a holiday for us!

So heres a funny for the day,
We went out to lunch at our favorite Chinese resteraunt and of course I'm dressed all cute, well I go to browse the buffet and this little girl, probably 10-12 years old comes up and so very politely says "ma'am..You have toilet paper on my shoe" *this poor little girl was trying so hard to not hurt my feelings* so I stand there for half a second thinking "how did I get toilet paper on my shoe? I havent even been in the bathroom" so I look down and (whew) its just a napkin, so..quite loudly *I guess its so that the rest of the resteraunt doesn't think I'm walkin around lookin hot, struttin my stuff with toilet paper on my shoe* I go "Oh my gosh..Its a NAPKIN..its JUST a napkin" *insert relieved tone of voice* and I turn around to assure this little girl that its just a napkin and she's gone *poo* Sooooo I sulk back to my table, embarassed but grateful that it was just a napkin!

Ya...........I'm a mom! lol


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