One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Goodbye Winter..hello changes

Well..Goodbye Winter! How can it already be summer? Today I put away all the girls Winter clothes and it made me sad, which is weird because I hate winter. Maybe it was the fact I had to put away all those snuggly, warm sweaters and PJ's. Remembering the nights snuggled up drinking cocoa. Or maybe it's because of the realization of what this summer holds for us...I don't know.
I've decided to set some goals for this deployment. A way to keep me going and stay busy, because we all know the best thing to do to pass time is to stay busy, So I thought I'd share them with you, my oh so wonderful blog followers :)

1. Lose 20lbs..Now that I have my double jogging stroller I have no excuse
2. Get lana in a toddler bed
3. Pick up a hobby, something crafty perhaps, I know, a stretch for me. Something I can do in the evenings when the girls are in bed and theres nothing on TV, that -is- the most lonely time
and the big one.......... Run a 5K I've wanted to run a 5k for awhile now and it goes right along with #1
5. Paint and redo the girls room, My husband surely can't go on a deployment without me totally redoing ONE room in the house. lol
6. nail down and start working towards a degree

So...6 goals should keep me busy for a year.......hopefully

Well, I've been meaning to dust my bedroom and put away laundry for 2 days now and I'm finally feeling rested and somewhat better from my cold, so I better get at it.


Ashley said...

Sounds like some good goals! Ive been working on becoming more crafty myself.

papabama said...

I will do the 5k with you. I don't run it but will power walk it with you. getting old and the knees aren't what they used to be. We do one on Thanksgiving Day in Fort Worth call the Turkey Trot. My family does it. Then off the Kim's (my sister) house for Turkey and Fixing.