One stay at home moms journey to find herself again

Monday, February 7, 2011

Apparently I angered Murphina

Here is my life since Friday morning:

Friday was one of those days where it was 1 step forward, 10 steps back..annoying, but I dealt. Then Friday night was my big water fiasco. We lived without water through Saturday. I washed what little dishes I had too, even hand washed some pants, and all the annoyances that go without having water. Luckily Sunday morning I was able to give my girls at bath and get 9 gallons of water, Thanks Laura!!! Then Sunday afternoon the repair man came and $400 later I had water..just no hot water. how lovely and also have to put in a claim bc the wall, ect was so wet it'll need to be repaired and having the deductible didn't ease me any bc its not a very nice deductible. But I still had hope, Monday both kids had daycare, I'd go to the gym to shower (please note, I hadn't had a hot shower since Thursday, I took a couple really quick, REALLY cold showers but..those suck..majorly), then I'd have the day to myself to finish getting ready for our trip. Monday morning comes, still no hot water. I try to fix said water heater (all before 8am) but I gave up, I wasn't in the mood to blow up the house bc I don't know what I'm doing. I thought maybe the Pilot just went out but I didn't *and still don't* know...Get the girls ready and all my stuff together so I could go to the gym to shower, make breakfast, wake up Allana...and she has pink eye! How much can 1 person take?! So the gym was out, daycare was out (for her at least) and I had no clue how I'd get a shower. Tried calling the dr for 45 minuts just to get an appt, got one.. Got her to the dr, waited 30 minutes in line at the pharmacy because some lady was aruging about Medicare or some somethin and holding everyone up. I leave there to get my very first..EVER..ticket! oh yes..I did. Today..of all days. I had tons..TONS to do...still do actually.
I'm just about at my breaking point..ok...I'm past it. I'm DONE! DONE DONE DONE DONE DONE and I can't deal anymore. I still haven't called insurance, I still havent finished packing, my house is a disaster, I haven't had a HOUR..away from my kids in a month, my nerves are fried, my emotions are friend, my give a 'you know what' is BUSTED, and I'm exausted, more emotionally than physically. All of that in 3 days..... oh..I didn't mention the fact that my husband has been gone for 8 months and that alone comes with all kinda of emotional drama'd just have to live it to understand. war zone, single parent, kids constantly...yah.
My ONLY upside today was the hot shower I got *Thank you Lauren!!!* It was incredible..absolutely..amazing.

I've got so much to do tonight bc I'm leaving town tomorrow, I have to leave..Im shutting off the water heater, the water and Im leaving. I'll deal with it when I get back..I can't deal with it right now. I need to leave this town. I'm praying nobody else gets pink eye and I just really really hope I have a nice, relaxing, easy drive tomorrow........I have GOT to catch a break sometime.....

Thank God for my Army family though! I love my Army family so much! I know at any time, if I need to give my kids a bath or shower or whatever I have numerous houses I could go too or vice versa, If I need something manly done that I just can't do (and I try every avenue possible before admitting manly defeat) that I have people to help me.. I love my Army family to death!!!

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